Maximum listening skills-hearing beyond words to understand the unspoken feelings and purposes that exist beneath them-protect and nourish successful relationships.
Putting Mind Over Matters Helps Beat Depression
It’s a vicious cycle: Negative thoughts make you feel worse, and the worse you feel, the more negative thoughts you entertain without screening them…and it all becomes enough to make you scream. As you magnify your faults, you stifle your social skills and confidence. Then you will feel shy, cautious about change, lonely, unwanted, unsure of yourself and unmindful of your positive goals.
The Self-Esteem Option
Being happy and confident comes more from within than it comes from without. Even if it doesn’t pay to be real-be the real you. After all, you gain confidence when you choose to be a real person with real emotions while considering your life to be a wonder-filled work in progress.
Telephone Etiquette Can Be a Real Hang Up
Whether you work for a big company or your own small business, phone skills lead the day in getting your message heard and your mission accomplished.
Take Back Control of Your Stress Level
Little changes made every day can help you learn to adapt to the bigger changes that lie ahead.