Personality Clashes Or Communication Crashes?

I know you try your very best to understand yourself and other people, especially when you experience a loss or breakdown of communication. Maybe it’s a couple communication breakdown, a family miscommunication or a crisis at work. Whatever the problem, it can act like a brush fire that burns out of control across the landscape of your mind, making your best-laid plans go up in flames.


Sometimes, your positive personality is all you’re left to hang on to. Truth be told, when insecurity and loss of control strikes, we all search mightily for the answer to the nagging question: “Why do bad things happen to good people like me?” Sometimes, the answers you come up with – rightly or wrongly – define the problem but can also defy the solution. Because in my experience, a mismatched communication style – not a personality issue – is often at the core of more communication problems.


A personality is a lot like a diamond. Although strong and beautiful, a diamond can “crack” under pressure into smaller diamonds. A personality is like a whole diamond: it communicates better when all parts are talking to one another. What kind of pressure might cause a whole-diamond personality to shatter?


If you attribute the “cause” of a serious personal issue to biology, you will fix upon the solution of medication to fix the problem. Likewise, if you attribute the “cause” of a personality problem to “unresolved childhood trauma,” then you will opt for long-term psychotherapy or perhaps do nothing at all. What’s my point? The “guilty party” frame you put around a problem dictates what you will or won’t try to resolve it. That’s why I say take the guesswork out of personal or relationship problems by hiring a “neutral expert or coach” … one who won’t let his or her emotions get in the way while yours are blowing like a hurricane. And that’s always why I stay results-focused, namely: “If what you’re doing isn’t working, try doing something different for a change!”


Now the cause of your problems is not your mother, right?! I love the private polls at because they allow the voice of “normal people” like you and me to be heard. We aren’t trying to affect politics or policy or sharpen a knife to skewer others. We simply want to know what each other are “honestly” thinking and feeling. Here’s what my readers say are the “causes” of serious personality issues in rank order:


2. BAD PARENTING…………….25.81%

3. BIOLOGY……………………….22.58%

4. UNLUCKY……………………….03.23%

5. INTIMIDATORS………………03.23%

6. SPOILED………………………..00.00%


Can people past 17 years of age really change their personalities? Can a zebra change its stripes or a leopard change its spots? Many people, including professionals, still mistakenly believe that “personality issues” are unchanging and thus untreatable. This line of thinking cedes so much power to the “personality” instead of “the person” in the person-ality, doesn’t it? (Personally, I was totally shocked, that no one in the survey chose “spoiling a child and sparing the rod” as a reason for personality problems, because my mind has been chronically media-sized about how badly spoiled kids and teens are nowadays. Another negative media madness myth bites the dust?)


Now, I want to be VERY careful here. In science, when we don’t readily have an answer to a problem, we often “blame the parents.” For example, most of us believe “childhood trauma” is somehow the parents’ fault, especially the mother’s. Watch out…because that means that 94% of personality problems are somehow parent-driven, driven by the parents’ genetic code or biology…driven by bad parenting practices or instilling low self-confidence…driven by childhood trauma that in the U.S.A. is typically caused by home factors vs. school factors. Also, if almost half of all personality problems are caused by trauma to our children, then what traumas are being caused and how could they be stopped, if at all?


Any way you slice it, your personality is separate and distinct from your communicator type. Likewise, your gender does not run the communication show, although your gender style of talking does affect what and how you do and say. Mostly though, your communicator type is the lens through which you look at the world-at-large. It’s the magnifying glass that you use to “explain and correct” the relationship problems you are experiencing.


If you blame personality issues on the “wrong” cause, chances are you will affix upon a “nice try, but wrong” solution. So you will try to fix the problem…the problem won’t be fixed…and you will be increasingly frustrated. “Talk to Me” is a proven communication approach or system to take the guesswork out of relationship problems caused by personality issues. Once you become accustomed to using “the four modes of communication” …. you’ll spontaneously “see solutions” to communication issues and impasses you never before saw. Just you try it and see!


Dr. Dennis O’Grady knows that some people very people have very definite ideas (on target or not) about the roots or personality clashes, while some have not a clue. But he also knows that Communicator Type – Empathizer or Instigator – is often equally important (or more so) at helping understand and resolve personality clashes, at home, at work, in families. He’s a keynote speaker, workshop leader and the author of the “Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along With Anyone” system and founder of New Insights Communication in Dayton, Ohio.


Previous New Insights Communication polls have included “What’s The Toughest Emotion You Wrestle With?”“Are You An Optimistic Driver On The Two-Way Communication Highway?”“The Elephant Stampede”“What Makes A Good Leader Great?” “Does Your Attitude Work To Make You A Better Leader?”“What’s Up With Your Confidence Level?”“When You Argue, Are You Always Right?” … “Are You Shy or Stuck Up?”… “How Do You Handle Anger?”…“Are Men or Women Better Communicators?” “How Easily Are You Frustrated?”

You Need To Be More Forgiving

“You need to be more forgiving!” can be a type of communication manipulation meant to make you “just say yes” when you want to “say no” to unfair demands put upon you or poor relationship treatment you’ve received. Similar points that others often use to guilt-trip you to commit to things you don’t want to include: “Why can’t you get past it?” Or, “Hey, I said I was sorry already…so what more do you want me to do?” Or, “You’ll make yourself sick with this!”


These clever mind benders are often used in close relationships and family circles. The unspoken message of “Why can’t you be more forgiving?” is that you shouldn’t be angry and that you have no right to your feelings. A good comeback: “So, what’s your point? I don’t need to be more forgiving!”


When feelings are aroused, people tend to point fingers. For example, a common argument is that spiritual people (like you) are held to a higher standard of forgiveness…the Bible tells us so. So, implied in the message is that you must forgive whatever repeated wrong is done to you. Nonsense! Another negative view: “You’ve got to forgive or you won’t be able to move ahead and you might get physically sick.” One more guilt trip: The golden rule vs. the rusty rule of revenge requires you to smile lovingly in the spitting face of hate and turn your cheek meekly. Is your sworn duty to be the first to forgive? Not when being for-giving means you are for-taking or being taken advantage of and manipulated in painfully patterned ways.


The wickedest type of hate is the smiling face on the person who will stab you in the back before you have a chance to turn around. But being hurt doesn’t stop you from going out on the limb to be a positive person and effective communicator. SO how can you think straight when your mind is foggy with fuzzy logic and debate points that sound…well, logical?

1. I FEEL STUPID…I FEEL LIKE A VICTIM…LIKE I’VE BEEN DUPED. Perhaps you are a victim for the minute, or perhaps you just feel like a victim, or both. Either way, the point is WHAT are you going to do about it now?

2. I’M JUST SO-O ANGRY. Perhaps a positive purpose of feeling angry is to feel less powerless and trapped, with your back against the wall. Why not be genuinely angry at your situation, the control freak, the world of hate, the unfairness of it all? So, what’s your point? What is your positive anger calling you to do to put a painful past behind you?

3. I HAD TO SWEEP MY FEELINGS UNDER THE RUG. Perhaps you could have confronted the problem sooner instead of putting a clothes pin in your nose when the elephant in the room really stunk up your mental home. So, what’s your point? Now is a safe time to look at the elephant before you bump into it or trip on it and break your neck.

4. IT MUST BE MY FAULT. Oh really now? Sure, you find yourself not sleeping well…not going around people as much…not opening up and reaching out as often…avoiding risking the doing of new things that are good for you…and alas you’ve lost trust in yourself…and yeah, so you are resisting doing what works to create positive change. So, what’s your point? It doesn’t matter who’s at fault but what are you going to do differently NOW when what you’re doing isn’t working.

5. BUT I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. I ain’t buyin’ this one. Yes, you in fact do know what you need to do…you simply may not want to do it. Try this: IF you knew what to do…AND you had permission to go ahead and do it (what you know will work to change your life for the better) what one thing would you do differently today? Really, so what’s your point here? You don’t know how to escort an elephant out of your house? Get a rope and a stick and some help!

6. WHAT IF I’M WRONG? You’re right. You can’t go wrong when you answer this question: “What’s good for me to do at this crossroads of change?” What’s your point? You can behave more independently and less co-dependently…keep it simple and ask for help from a neutral source when there’s a problem.

7. WHAT IF I’M BEING SELFISH? If you don’t take care of yourself, who will? The paradox is you will feel pressured to please when you should set limits and say “NO way!” What’s the point of talking to yourself as if you’re dirt?

8. BUT THEY’LL BE MAD AT ME. Ah, emotional blackmail works so well, and that’s why it’s used so often against you. IF a negatalker in your life is saying disapprovingly: “You shouldn’t do that … You don’t know what you’re talking about … You’re nothing without me…” Dump ‘em. I hope that wasn’t a knee-jerk or me-jerk reaction.

So that’s how to talk to yourself to feel free of mind and spirit when you feel angry…you feel betrayed…and your self-esteem sliced and diced.


For-giving types such as Empathizer communicators need to balance that emotion with being more For-taking. I know that sounds cold and selfish but it is authentic and genuine. Instigator communicators aren’t as shy about taking care of their needs. I-types know there’s a season for everything…including a time NOT to forgive. When to forgive and forget? That’s the question whose answer can make a lifetime of peace and prosperity for you and yours or a never-ending mental war and emotional poverty.


When is a good time to forgive? Whenever you choose to, but you don’t have to. You get to choose. Just don’t be a sap, all of you oh-so-precious sensitize souls who, in order to not hurt anyone so you “just say yes” to everyone who comes knockin’. Remember, always this: You alone sit behind the driver’s wheel of your life…and it’s not always a two-way communicator highway filled with positive and compassionate drivers who only want to best for everyone.


Why say “I’m sorry!” for being the leader of your own life? Why allow others to sit behind the driver’s wheel of your life car? There is a time to be for-giving and a time to be for-receiving. Knowing the difference can make the difference between an ulcer and a light turning on and shining the light in the dark cave of your life.


Dr. Dennis O’Grady is a professional keynote speaker who contends that you don’t have to feel guilty, whether you are an Empathizer or Instigator communicator, for refusing to be for-giving instead of for-taking. For instance, when you become the “talk object” of someone who drops the guilt bomb on ya’ and won’t change…change the channel and don’t expect him or her to change, ever. That’s so cold and closed? You got it! In fact, perhaps by not forgiving and refusing to get wrapped around an antagonist’s negative words or actions—you spontaneously reclaim your life and you stop holding your breath praying for them to change. The four talk modes you can use to create positive and effective communication are only found in Dennis O’Grady’s third book “Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along with Anyone.”

I Don’t Get Mad…I Just Get Even

I had the appalling experience of being part of a radio show some years back with another author who promoted something like “100 Ways to Get Revenge without Getting Caught.” At first, I thought this was a joke, but no. The talk show participant told the host and me that his favorite get-even schemes were putting nails under car tires, sending pornography to a family home in the name of the hated person, keying the car of the wrongdoer—even messing with the credit card rating of the “bad one.” Sick…sick…sick stuff and he was gladly touting his book of revenge wares. Did I tell him he was crazy as a loon as I felt like doing? No way! My shiny ocean blue car was parked outside in the lot…and I sure didn’t want it to get nailed or keyed.


Naturally, as the program went on I became more and more flabbergasted and frustrated because the message in my anger management audio program “No Hard Feelings” was: “What goes around comes around, so you had better be careful of the sharp revenge boomerangs you send flying.” Now he jumped on my bandwagon but for all the wrong reasons. “Dr. O’Grady, you’re right…that’s my message. If someone does you wrong…if you turn the other cheek you show you’re weak and God isn’t going to make them pay…that’s up to you and me. Do you get what I’m talking about?” No, man, I don’t get you…you’re the guy who gets others back in the back.


This sick-and-twisted radio talk show guest screwed his point home like a drill Sergeant: “You don’t even a score, you better a score. If someone messes with you, you have the moral obligation to rectify the situation and teach him a lesson. Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t get mad—I just get even! If more people took a pound of flesh for a wrong deed done unto them…the world would be a much better place and people won’t mess with you.” What a hamhead! The host of the show played along rolling his eyes at me and gazed protectively out the window at his new sunrise orange car parked in the lot.


Back in 2000, I didn’t know about communicator types like I do now. Maybe I was just too worried about the Great World Computer Collapse that actually never happened, did it? Now I know that this hate-full man was a fast-talking Instigator-type (I-type) communicator. Sure, I-types keep score and like to win, but he might have just been making this all up to sell books and get on shows! On the other hand, Empathizer-type (E-types) communicators don’t hold grudges long enough when they should. E-types don’t really feel easy about getting mad easily. In fact, have you heard an E-type sheepishly say: “Are you mad at me?” And like Avis, E’s try harder-and-harder to get along with Wackos and Egos and Sickos … who sell the slime of sick anger…as their inner light burns dimmer and dimmer.


I-types are far more comfortable being disliked because they consider others disapproval a part of doing business. Empathizers are too quick to forgive and forget wrongs done unto them to a fault. And E-types say “I’m sorry” way too much. That’s why I tease E-types that they’re too nice for their own good. I cajole my dear E-types that sometimes the genuine row to hoe is to be a mean, nasty, uncaring, crude and rude in the face of stupid hate and unreasonable demands. In fact, E-types feel guilty if they were to shout: “No, you SOB get off my foot now before I hit you with a two-by-four right between the eyes.”


Is there a time NOT to forgive? You bet. Is there a time NOT to teach somebody a lesson…someone who has it coming to them in pitchforks? You can bet your halo on it. Barbed words make every human being bleed BUT…

1. Forgiving doesn’t help if it sets you up to be duped, used or tricked again

2. Forgiving helps if your mind is wrapped around the hurter’s car axle and you need to let go

3. Forgiving doesn’t help if hate is the loving emotion to feel

4. Forgiving helps when you don’t want someone else to lead you around with a ring through your nose

5. Forgiving doesn’t help if you need to get mad enough to be the leader of your own life

6. Forgiving helps if you want to truly let go of past hurts that haunt your present day

7. Forgiving doesn’t help when you let go of past hurts only to pick up new baggage when you hurt yourself all over again

8. Forgiving helps if you let go and let God pull off the grace work

9. Forgiving doesn’t help if you’re just trying a slick new way to keep being a control freak

10. Forgiving helps if you’ve judged another person as “misinformed…bad…immoral…permanently damaged goods…unsalvageable…inhuman”


There’s so much hate going around…it’s hard not to let it get you down. When you don’t forgive, you don’t have to be nice to your tormentor or act positive when you feel negative. BUT why not sing your life tune in the face of senseless hate and revenge wars that wear everyone out? Forgiveness won’t help if you don’t paint a person red with haughty way-up-high condemnation. Try as you might, you can’t successfully burn the infidels and witches of the deepest fears and embarrassments of being human beings at the stake.

Dr. Dennis O’Grady agrees with the rock song, “Turn, Turn, Turn” because there is, indeed, a time and a purpose for everything, and that includes a time for-giving and a time to be for-receiving. He’s the founder of New Insights Communication and author of “Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along with Anyone.”

What To Say When Your Plate Is Too Full

You’ve already got a very long “to do” list at work but your boss (wife/husband) calls you with something new and pressing for you to do. You think about the Stephen Covey time management rule that says you should stick to doing what’s important…not run around like a chicken with your head cut off doing what’s urgent. But you want to please your boss, and you want to be viewed as a positive and effective communicator on the team…a positive person who doesn’t make waves and ably surfs huge waves of stress. So should you “Just Say No?” or should you respect that little voice hollering in your ear: “Oh, my God, I won’t ever be able to get this all done and remain even half-way sane, but I’ve got to try anyway to please the boss so I’ll say Yes!”


You have the right to say “no, maybe, or yes” to any request. That’s your call. BUT I’d like to know if you’re being too good for own good, you sensitive and empathetic souls out there! How to know: Do you have trouble saying “no” when “no” might be the “right” answer to give? Or, do you apologize a lot when you “say no,” making you appear wishy-washy, confused or weak? Not good. Know this: In my “Talk to Me” program, Empathizer communicators (E-types) struggle with saying “no” without feeling guilty. In contrast, Instigator communicators think people who can’t say “no” are weak.


It’s time for you sensitive Empathizer-type communicators to stop going along to get along with Instigator-type communicators, because when you go along, you’re more likely to fail at delivering positive results. These “directive statements” may seem loud, brash or pushy, but they are simply authentic, effective and truthful. Some ways to “just say no” to “strong-willed I-types” without making an enemy and in ways I-types will understand:

1. I’LL HAVE TO PULL OFF OTHER PROJECTS TO GET THIS DONE. This is heard by I-types as a “reality check” and “taking the pulse” of what is wished for vs. what is feasible.

2. ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT ME TO DO THIS IF OTHER THINGS FALL BEHIND? This is heard by I-types as a challenge to re-check their thinking and priorities and to do a cost-benefit analysis.

3. I THINK THAT’S TOO MUCH TO ASK OF ONE PERSON. This is heard by I-types as a genuine statement of how much work is unfairly falling on the shoulders of one person. I-types know it’s not fair to assign all the work to a single workhorse in the organization.

4. I’M FEELING LIKE I’M OUT HERE ALONE. This is heard by I-types as a report that you are stretched to the limit and need to be emotionally honest without belly-aching.

5. I NEED TO TELL YOU WHAT I NEED/EXPECT FROM YOU IN RETURN. This is heard by I-types as a form of negotiation to iron out the details. It’s a form of record-keeping.

6. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DO IT ALL. This is not heard as complaining by I-types but instead is perceived as a call for back-up.

7. THE RIGHT ANSWER IS NO, BUT I DON’T KNOW IF I CAN SAY THAT. I-types respect when you are right on the dot to take more self-responsibility for your own happiness.

8. DON’T MAKE THINGS MORE COMPLICATED THAN THEY HAVE TO BE. I-types hear this as a warning to keep the big picture in mind, not get cocky, and make small corrections in the flight course to arrive at the goal destination.

9. YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. This is heard by I-types as a direct confrontation that they are not “up to speed” or do not have the necessary information to make the proper decision. They will want to understand what’s wrong and what’s not working right.

10. I NEED HELP TO DO THIS. This isn’t heard by I-types as a weakness but as a warning that special conditions exist and need to be addressed to make the desired results and outcomes happen on timeline.

11. THIS MAY BE ROUGH AND THERE WILL BE MISTAKES. I-types like to be in control of the process. They don’t mind mistakes as much as they dislike being “caught off guard” by “bad news that comes out of the blue.”

12. WHAT’S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN? This alerts I-types to expect trouble in this project, such as, unexpected delays or difficult financial choices or people.


Remember my dear E-types: I-types will respect you when you “talk pointedly” and assertively. The transactions above are GENUINE and not “too pushy” or “too negative” or “too loud.” If results matter, then being an accurate reporter of what is or isn’t possible stacks the career deck and romantic show in your favor. Just you try it a few times and see!


E-types like to be liked and they hate disappointing others. They often go along to get along which often doesn’t result in good things happening. One of my male E-type clients had this to say about his fear of letting others down:

“I hate saying ‘no’ so I over-promise even when I have a million things on my plate. If I simply said ‘I can’t do it now’ I would be far better off. But I can’t say no because I don’t want to disappoint other people. I feel bad promising what I know I won’t be able to deliver on, and this results in my letting others down who get miffed with me. I should say ‘no’ but I don’t usually have the nerve to.

“I say ‘yes’ a lot in my relationship when I would rather say ‘no thanks…or no, not now.’ I take a backseat to the relationship, and my partner doesn’t respect me. What’s so perverse is that I create results that are the opposite of my intentions! By trying so VERY hard not disappoint anyone, I disappoint them all the more. After I’m ‘caught,’ I will justify and make excuses to cover my tracks…and even lie. And I’m not a liar!

“Bottom line: If I help people all the time, I think I will be liked. When I’m liked…I feel happy. So little-by-little, I keep giving people what they want. Then people at work and my relationship partner see me as ‘weak’ and ‘lacking responsibility and accountability’ because I don’t keep my word.”

Agreeing to avoid appearing disagreeable is a disaster waiting to happen.


If you can’t say “no” when you want to, can you really mean “yes” when you say so? Being a people pleaser displeases people a lot. And besides, what’s in it for you? Are you afraid of being seen as negative or losing the respect of someone if you don’t say ‘yes?’ The reverse psychology: In truth, Instigator communicators appreciate and respect you more when they can’t run over you.


Actually, this could be a pattern of nice people “agreeing to go along to get along” but not able to handle what already was on their plate. Sometimes, “no” is the best answer for all concerned. Understanding your communicator type, and your co-communicator’s type, can free you up to talk positively about negative things and set needed boundaries so you don’t go nuts from overwork and under-pleasuring yourself.


So don’t agree to do what isn’t humanly possible for you when you have a million things on your plate and your plate is full and over-flowing unto your communicator table. So simply “say yes to yourself,” and “say no when no is the right answer” to keep your light shining bright to the benefit of everyone.

Dr. Dennis O’Grady points out that there’s a BIG difference between saying “no” for the all the right reasons and being a negative person, and they’re two very different things. Saying “no” doesn’t mean you’re negative or uncooperative; it just means you’re honest to yourself about what you can – and cannot – handle and perform with confidence and competence. He’s a professional keynote speaker who is the founder of New Insights Communication and author of “Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along with Anyone.”

Keep Your Communication Tight

I recently had the distinct honor and privilege to be the “celebration keynote speaker” on “effective and positive communication” to the Morris Group “All Branch” Meeting at a retreat held in South Carolina at The Inn at Palmetto Bluff. Why was this event so remarkable? The Morris Group had its best year ever, and the focus and purpose of my talk was “Celebrating Your Couple Life.” CEO Lee Morris practices and preaches that strong couple bonds are as important (or more important) as strong company profits. The leaders and their spouses are just like you and me… hard-working…caring…juggling 50 balls in the air at once…wanting to love what they do and be in love with their spouses to boot.


The “Talk to Me” program builds a bridge between work (leader) communication and home (spousal) communication. Effective and productive communication eliminates backseat drivers and detours, to help us all drive down the two-way communication highway in a better mood. In fact, how were we ever able to talk to one another without knowing who we were talking to by type—Empathizer or Instigator drivers?


After taking a short version of the New Insights Communication Inventory (NICI), each participant got either a “blue circle” or a “burnt orange” circle to put on their name tags to represent their communicator type. Blue is the color of the Empathizer-type communicator car and burnt orange is the color of the Instigator-type communicator car. In my studies, a majority of leaders drive the burnt orange cars since they are Instigator communicators, while most of their spouses drive the blue communicator cars since they are Empathizer communicators. Just goes to show that “one size communciator shoe” does not fit all, as my “shoe exercise” parlayed. Besides the roasted oysters, the biggest newsflash involved the communication tips and tools that each couple came up with at the end of my talk to put to use at home.


So here are the answers that workshop participants (leaders/spouses) came up with in response to: “What will you put to positive use from today’s training and workshop message?” This wisdom is in no particular order…feel free to join in:

I am going to tell my wife how much I appreciate her and what I love about her every day

Better understand my communicator type and how to relate better to a different type

Not to take things so seriously…use touch more

Implement the four minutes per day for communication practices

I will be a good and receptive listener. I will understand where my spouse is coming from and support him. Can’t be too much of a communicator in family life

Set the tone and setting for communication…communicate why and how I feel

To listen in a different way…to see their side…slow down and don’t overreact. Enjoyed your talk.

I will read the book (Talk to Me)

Don’t take I-types (Instigator-type communicators) so seriously…don’t expect my type of communication only

Better awareness of what is important to my spouse when communicating with her

Try and be more understanding of his type of communicating…bring the elephant out of the room

Set time aside each evening to sit and discuss the day’s events

Attempt to understand my wife’s communication style…and see and challenge myself to listen to her actively…and not pass by on my fast track

To give loving comments and touch…although we’re both the same types…be a good listener

Communicate more effectively—understand that nobody is perfect…listen to my partner’s point of view…won’t hold grudges

Understand the two communicator types and how to talk to the other…set the communication table…say the positives more often

Set the table each day to open up discussion…learn my wife’s communicator type…understand my communicator type

Set the communication table and state what makes me fee so good about talking

I will not take my “hero” so seriously…I will also try to walk in my spouse’s shoes more often

Think like my partner…listen with three ears…share my thoughts and feelings

Tell others how I feel about them more often…ask them how they are doing

Communicate more and listen

Better understanding of the types and dynamics of communicators…we are two different types my wife and I

That Instigator couples have to trade plans and take turns…the flip a coin plan

Tell what I love about my spouse each morning

Try to talk using emotions and feelings…be more sensitive to how others might be affected by my words/actions…work toward understanding the communicator type of those with whom I communicate/live/work

Try not to take my husband so seriously when he has a lot on his plate and stressed…help him recharge his battery…help understand his communicator type better

Understanding why I’m the way I am and how to understand my partner’s communicator type…slow down the inner voices…breathe…listen

I will make sure that I slow down and listen instead of blowing through the conversation

Setting the communication table properly is the key to a healthy relationship between my wife and I…we both work hard understand our different styles and try to acknowledge each others wishes

I have got to learn how to be a better listener…because when we talk I am ready for the fight

I will try to clarify what my wife is saying to me with the phrase, “So let me tell you what I think you’re saying…”

When my spouse is feeling down, vulnerable, etc. I will use his style of communication with him since he is the opposite of me

LISTEN! Talk in my spouse’s language

Give more space to my spouse when he comes home

I will understand my husband’s actions when times are tough and when times are good

Identify with my wife’s personality type to improve communication

Allow myself to be questionned

I will try harder to give my husband my FULL ATTENTION AND COMPLETELY LISTEN to how he feels each day

Learn and understand how to effectively communicate with my spouse

Be sure to find out how her day was and remind her how much I love her

Learn about the opposite type’s communication style and adopt these techniques when talking to them…I look foreward to reading more in your book

It’s a useful way of understanding how others think, feel and reason

Understanding my spouses communicator type…understanding my type


Oh, my, what fun we had as a group. Talking to “both sides of the aisle” is an exhilarating honor. I love talking to real people who make positive things happen. And as you know, it can be tough to talk as spouses during the tough times…and spouses busy with parenting can “skip over” the positive times to focus on other urgencies. The leaders and their spouses laughed, hooted, cried, hugged, held hands and smooched—a good time of communication was had by all. Thank you, Morris family!


Well, that’s it from our real-world “live communicating love” couples in the world of work, raising kids and celebrating the one life God has given you to live. Are you celebrating your life today? Way-to-go! Now remember to use your own gold advice all you gals and guys…Keep It (Communication) Tight! Keep the battery charged you I-types…and you lovable E-types…keep your inner light shining bright for without you it’s a very dark world, indeed.

Dr. Dennis O’Grady, who still gets butterflies in his stomach when he gets up in front of a crowd of strangers, nevertheless comes away from events like this even further committed to spreading the word about positive communication and communicator types, as outlined in his new book “Talk to Me: Communication Moves To Get Along With Anyone.” He’s founder of New Insights Communication in Dayton, Ohio.