The Rebellion Against The Stomach


Once a man had a dream in which his hands and feet and mouth and brain all began to rebel against his stomach.

“You good-for-nothing sluggard!” the hands said. “We work all day long, sawing and hammering and lifting and carrying. By evening we’re covered with blisters and scratches, and our joints ache, and we’re covered with dirt. And meanwhile you just sit there, hogging all the food.”

“We agree!” cried the feet. “Think how sore we get, walking back and forth all day long. And you just stuff yourself full, you greedy pig, so that you’re that much heavier to carry about.”

“That’s right!” whined the mouth. “Where do you think all that food you love comes from? I’m the one who has to chew it all up, and as soon as I’m finished you suck it all down for yourself. Do you call that fair?”

“And what about me?” called the brain. “Do you think it’s easy being up here, having to think about where your next meal is going to come from? And yet I get nothing at all for my pains.”

And one by one the parts of the body joined the complaint against the stomach, which didn’t say anything at all.

“I have an idea,” the brain finally announced. “Let’s all rebel against this lazy belly, and stop working for it.”

“Superb idea!” all the other members and organs agreed. “We’ll teach you how important we are, you pig. Then maybe you’ll do a little work of your own.”

So they all stopped working. The hands refused to do any lifting or carrying. The feet refused to walk. The mouth promised not to chew or swallow a single bite. And the brain swore it wouldn’t come up with any more bright ideas. At first the stomach growled a bit, as it always did when it was hungry. But, after a while, it was quiet.

Then, to the dreaming man’s surprise, he found he could not walk. He could not grasp anything in his hands. He could not even open his mouth. And he suddenly began to feel rather ill.

The dream seemed to go on for several days. As each day passed, the man felt worse and worse. “This rebellion had better not last much longer,” he thought to himself, “or I’ll starve.”

Meanwhile, the hands and feet and mouth and brain just lay there, getting weaker and weaker. At first they roused themselves just enough to taunt the stomach every once in a while, but before long, they didn’t even have the energy for that.

Finally the man heard a faint voice coming from the direction of his feet.

“It could be that we were wrong,” they were saying. “We suppose the stomach might have been working in his own way all along.”

“I was just thinking the same thing,” murmured the brain. “It’s true he’s been getting all the food. But it seems he’s been sending most of us right back to us.”

“We might as well admit our error,” the mouth said. “The stomach has just as much work to do as the hands and feet and brain and teeth.”

“Then let’s all get back to work,” they cried together. And at that, the man woke up.

To his relief, he discovered his feet could walk again. His hands could grasp, his mouth could chew, and his brain could now think clearly. He began to feel much better.

“Well, there’s a lesson for me,” he thought as he filled his stomach at breakfast. “Either we all work together, or nothing works at all.”


Are you one team? Do you apply customer-centered communication tools? Dennis O’Grady is a Communication Expert and the Developer of The TALK2ME Communication System. Dennis is a professional speaker and communication educator, who can be reached at (937) 428-0724.

Just Listen Longer


You aren’t a second-class communicator. You are a first class communicator…and don’t let anybody tell you any differently. The first-class wisdom of Class 15, who had all four corners of their Talk World covered with trust and respect for each other, as Empathizer and Instigator communicators….


How do you open up lines of communication and drill down to the real themes that profits everyone?

It’s through relationships that all goals are attained. Trusting relationships work. Be a motivator!

“The glass is half full” thinking may not always be a good thing. Sometimes you have to look at the glass as half-empty to gain a better perspective and better or more realistic self-confidence.

I need a more positive attitude. There needs to be a more positive attitude in the workplace. Set the mood, not the doom. Don’t take things personally and react defensively. (“I’m not going there.”)

Be a good listener. Don’t cut the guys off. Don’t always take things personally.

Good decisions will come from a diverse group of individuals who see more than just one side of things. I will speak my mind with more conviction, resulting in motivating others.

There are always two sides to each coin or story, positive and negative. Harsh words about you that aren’t true hurt the most.

Self-confidence. The culture of Dayton Freight is to always treat people with trust and respect. Being honest and open decrease anxiety.

LISTEN…and take time to process what another person is actually saying.  Seek to improve your ability to listen.

Be more patient. Have more patience. Don’t run around like your hair is on fire.

Mood dictates reputation. Being patient improves your mood.

Attitude: You get back what you give!

For me it’s very simple—JUST LISTEN LONGER.

We cannot change the past but can improve on the future. (Less stressful.)


It all begins and ends with good communication skills. You come into this world communicating, and you will exit this world communicating. Invest in yourself and a brighter future! The Talk2Me© system works when you use it, and it even works when you don’t use it. Use good communication tools to gain hope instead of losing out on substantial gains.


Dennis O’Grady is a communication expert and developer of the TALK2ME positive and effective communication system. You can discuss your communication training program needs by calling Dr. O’Grady at (937) 428-0724.

I Am Able To Express Myself Without Apologizing


It’s all about communication. Are you able to link the benefits of your effective communications training back to your real life circumstances to navigate the future? I sincerely hope so. People schooled in the Talk2Me© system often utilize their newfound abilities to accomplish great tasks, surprisingly easily. Can’t teach old dogs new tricks? Oh, yes we can! Here’s what one Empathizer-type (E-type) communicator realized through discovering and using his hidden talents….


Hello, Dennis:

I’ll do my best to describe the “tie back to real life” benefits of the Talk2Me© work we do in class. I suppose that “counting the benefits of on-the-fly talk practices netting great rewards” is a no-brainer. Silence is a killer in my family life, while conflict isn’t a thriller in my work life. Here’s a brief list of what I experienced when “the light bulb came on….”

I am…

•    able to stay centered rather than get embroiled in a non-productive argument
•    better able to listen to what I don’t want to hear
•    able to work at higher energy levels
•    able to achieve more effective results in my scientific endeavors
•    able to lead professional groups and encourage them to operate with more positive energy and esprit de corps
•    able to more clearly write responses to blogs at
•    able to apply tools and strategies, learned in communication training, to business and home settings
•    able to get out of “thinking ruts” more quickly
•    able to feel more compassion for everyone I encounter
•    able to talk about my emotions without causing additional problems
•    able to relate to my children better and enjoy them more
•    able to openly discuss personal situations with my wife
•    able to let go of negative “sticky or tarry” feelings more efficiently
•    able to love more deeply
•    able to cry more completely
•    able to be curious and open minded
•    better able to handle unexpected changes
•    able to feel unconditional confidence
•    able to walk in the shoes of others in authentic ways
•    more able to explore the wonders of life
•    better able to understand complex concepts such as religion, politics, sex
•    able to team up with other scientists and professionals to make needed changes that benefit everyone
•    able to feel like running away but instead stand strong like an oak tree
•    able to “not know” without panic or fright
•    able to feel guilty without gutting myself
•    able to encounter others rather than critique others
•    better able to live in my head, body, emotions, relationships, etc., in ways that break free of childhood patterns
•    more able to embrace hope
•    able to live my life free of outside beliefs that used to be security blankets
•    able to leave the coffin called the “comfort zone”
•    able to express myself without apologizing

In short, knowledge is not the same as experiencing life.


As a communication expert, Dayton-based Dennis E. O’Grady, Psy.D., wears two hats: one of corporate trainer in leadership communication skills and the other as a couple communications expert. The Talk2Me© system provides tools and strategies to bridge communication gaps and to help resolve both family and workplace difficulties. Dr. O’Grady’s mission is to give you communication tools to use to improve the quality of your life. Dennis is the author of Talk to Me: Communication Moves To Get Along With Anyone.

Do You Drive The Extra Mile For Good Communication?


How do you stack up? If people who worked for you or loved you graded you on a curve on your communication, what grade would you receive? What would the customer service reality be? Would you receive a grade of “A”…”B”… “C”…or “D”? How do you stack up in the minds of others, who perhaps see things entirely differently than you do?


Stated in the first person, here are selected communication performance questions that tap your core skill areas, according to how others typically view you:

1. Are you COMFORTABLE communicating with me?

2. Do you feel VALUED?

3. Do you feel your thoughts are HEARD?

4. Do I provide consistent FEEDBACK?


6. Do I SPELL OUT what you need to know to accomplish your job?

7. Do I MAKE TIME TO TALK with you?

8. Do I send the message that I’m OPEN and AVAILABLE to LISTENING, even when I’m BUSY?


These are billion dollar questions to ask of your teammates, or your life partner, and even your kids. Take a chance by risking receiving negative feedback.


O.K. I even gave you the questions to ask to get at the truth of your communication skills. Simple, yes; easy, no. Ready? Set. Go!

Guidance strategies as you ask risky, powerful feedback questions:

1. First, you need to ask the right open-ended questions

2. Second, you need to listen open-mindedly to ALL the answers

3. Third, you need to be open to changing and growing and learning as a result of the feedback

4. Fourth, you won’t allow a bruised ego to flip off good communication, via retaliation

When you learn you earn! Ask, then listen, then add to your repertoire of communication skills…today.


Miscommunication kills! You can’t afford to be a legend in your own mind — namely, that your perception is way off from the reality on how your fellow co-communicators will grade you when they talk. Why not get an “A” on your Talk2Me© Communicator Report Card? Only the strong who use soft communication skills will survive today’s business climate. Bottom line: Do you make others feel VALUED…AND that their OPINIONS and THOUGHTS ARE HEARD? Why, or why not? And most importantly, what are you going to do about it?


Dr. Dennis O’Grady is the new Talk Doc in town, a corporate consultant, team trainer, and the insightful, original developer and researcher of the Talk to Me© positive and effective communication system. Talk2Me© has been successfully implemented in multi-generational family companies and couples communication training.

I Just Don’t Understand You


“I just don’t understand you, and you don’t get me!” piped in a frustrated spouse.  Are you in a crazy-talking relationship where you’re told all is well, but for some reason you feel ill in the pit of your stomach? A bright, professional, female communications client of mine lamented, “I just don’t understand. When I get close, he moves away!” This same sentiment of “Why, when we’re having such fun, does he have to go and ruin everything by making a big communication mess!” happens over and over again in Talk World. And the impact is devastating to both Empathizer and Instigator communicators. The Talk2Me© system clears away the confusion from your mind, so you aren’t struck down by a lightning bolt of grief time and again.


Your experience doesn’t lie when you listen to and respect yourself. For example, if you feel unimportant in a relationship, chances are that you’re treated poorly. You can be fed lines and lies, but your experience tells you the truth most times. How to “listen to yourself” to personally know if a calculating communicator (who is an Impressionator and Negatalker) is bluffing while playing you like a fiddle:

1. I just don’t understand, when we’re close, you move away.

2. I feel unimportant.

3. Nothing seems to work for long.

4. When I say “No,” you get mad.

5. You treat strangers and the dog better than you treat me.

6. You don’t act like you respect me.

7. You try so hard to impress everybody with how wonderful you are.

8. You neglect me and our relationship.

9. Everyone else you know and interact with is treated with respect.

10. I don’t want to pretend everything is O.K.

11. You’re mean to me behind closed doors.

12. I feel an urge to drink/drug/eat/have sex, to get away from this pain of losing you

Crazy-talking causes you to wonder if your perception is off. It isn’t!


What comebacks might you expect, from crafty communicators who are playing their cards close to the vest? For example, “Why can’t you trust me?!” is crazy-making when the talker has arrogantly broken promise after promise. Here are a few other excuses to exonerate behaviors that create disastrous losses:

1. I’m not a great communicator.

2. I get upset easily.

3. I can be pretty moody.

4. I don’t have much patience.

5. I don’t see it that way at all.

6. I’m doing the right thing.

7. Why should I have to live my life by your rules?

8. I have mixed feelings and alternate between feeling good and feeling bad about us.

9. I believe that we can work anything out.

10. Why can’t you get past the past and trust me?

Learn from your experiences when results and actions don’t match promises. If you’re not sure whether to believe your eyes and ears, track what’s been promised to determine how often there has been follow through. If too few promises have been fulfilled, holler to high Heaven about it…or take action, learn the strategies in the Talk2Me© system, and protect yourself from the negatalker whose goal is to bring you down once again.


Dr. Dennis O’Grady is a communications psychologist from Dayton, Ohio, who specializes in teaching positive and effective communication skills. Dr. O’Grady’s third book, which includes his “Talk to Me” effective leadership communication system, is at and Amazon. Life is a highway? Are you traveling to where you need and want to go in a spirit of hopeful anticipation, or are you cursing under your breath at the other driver’s stupidity? The choice is yours. Know this: Whenever you travel with an open heart and flowing mind on the two-way communication highway, change happens fast and lasts.