The surest route to happiness is to grow and change! Easing stress is your job because you alone live full-time in your skin. Are you worth it? You know best. Moreover, one thing as certain as death and taxes is, “The Only Thing We Can Change Is Ourselves!”
Participants in my workshops keep a select journal of private points that can make a BIG difference in their life when USED. This is an example of a “gold nuggets and gold advice” idea sheet that helped one participant turn the tide on change.
1. “We can only change ourselves!”
2. “I can only change myself!”
3. “Complaining isn’t changing!”
4. “If I am too slow to change I will lose the change race!”
5. “Making “Yes BUT…” excuses is a lame blame game.
6. “I need to apply my ‘gold advice’ to my own life.
7. “If I think I’m not ever stressed or angry…than I’m not paying attention and feeling more zapped than I know.”
Dr. Dennis O’Grady offers CHANGE MANAGEMENT WORKSHOPS to governmental and privately-held entrepreneurial companies, and is the developer of a revolutionary new tested communication theory showcased in “TALK TO ME: Communication moves to get along with anyone.” Dennis is also the author of “Taking the Fear out of Changing” at