Dad: ‘I think we need to talk’

Veteran Dayton Daily News health reporter, Kevin Lamb, wrote a positive parenting advice piece for dads who want to improve their communication skills and become more approachable by using Dr. Dennis O’Grady’s new communication tools.


Worried your kids won’t talk to you? Kicking yourself that there must have been a better way to talk to them after they slink sadly back to their rooms?

Then Centerville psychologist Dennis O’Grady, who blogs at, has some help with his Father’s Day tips for dads who want to improve their communication skills and become more approachable.

O’Grady also has a new psychology book aimed at better communicating, Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along with Anyone, available on his Web site for $39.95.

Here are three of his 10 TALK POSITIVELY TIPS FOR DADS:

1. Be sure you’re not catching the person you want to talk to at a bad time.

2. If you’re hoping to bring about some change, approach it in more of a collaborative than demanding tone.

3. Don’t be afraid to say you wish you hadn’t just said that. “If you say something stupid, you can take back what you just said by saying, ‘Erase that! I want to take back what I just said.'”

Everyone makes mistakes in talking. That’s why they have blooper shows. Turning your blunder into humor might even soften up your listener.

Kevin Lamb is a lifestyle and health reporter for Dayton Daily News. Mr. Lamb can be reached at the email address of To read Dr. O’Grady’s full article just click on “Communicating with Your Dad.” Or you can read about “A Mad Dad on Father’s Day” on this site, too.

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