Power On Control

You would think that Empathizer-type (E-type) communicators are emotional and relationship experts. And they are. Yet long-fused E-types time and time again allow themselves to be bossed around by negative Instigator-type (I-type) communicators in the workplace and the homespace. How, you might ask? By falling for the emotional manipulation of the Instigator-type (I-type) communicator, in the form of guilt trips, causing E-types to back down from staying centered in their positions.


“You hurt my feelings and are causing me to feel really bad!” is the primary relationship manipulation and emotional blackmail that negative I-types successfully use against “too sensitive” communicators. In short, here’s how my beloved E-types take a life detour by going on a guilt trip. A negative I-type rebukes the positive E-type with this implied message:

Shame on you. You are causing me great personal anguish that I would otherwise not be experiencing if you weren’t so mean to me. But you can make it all up to me by being nice again. I thought you were nice, but the way you are treating me is wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself for being so unkind and irrational. Don’t you know anything about the golden rule? Now get back in line or I won’t speak to you, or I’ll cause a loss to befall you that you will regret.

Get this: The debater is NOT actually feeling hurt. The negative I-type is just ACTING hurt to have his way. He doesn’t feel hurt! Duped again?


Distressed and under stress, you should know that E-types blame themselves for relationship troubles, while I-types blame others or the situation. E-types rope themselves to anchors and throw themselves into an Olympic size pool of pity…and expect themselves to swim effectively. Not! How to make an E-type go on a guilt trip:

1. KEEP THEM GUESSING. If you aren’t predictable in what you say or do, the anxiety of E-types will go through the roof.

2. BE THE SLEDGEHAMMER. If you talk over E-types, talk down to E-types, cut off E-types in mid-sentence, keep repeating stupid viewpoints to E-types, frown disapprovingly or snort in superiority — then you will make most E-types shrink away and feel cowardly.

3. FICTIONALIZE. E-types are suckers for words, actually believing that people mean what they say, not saying whatever will force their way. People can find excellent ways to fictionalize — making up stories, whipping up “What if the sky falls down on you” drama; stuffing “I couldn’t do anything about it” excuses down your throat; or psychocritiques of your good character. Net result: The E-type’s mouth is taped shut.

4. ROCK THE BOAT. Negative I-types have learned that when they are losing the war, the best way to distract the opposition is to wage another battle on a vulnerable front. This is also called “stirring the pot” or “standing up for what’s right,” which translated means “I will have my way at your expense now, because all is fair in love and war, and this is relationship war.”

5. CRY-POUT-SHOUT OR OTHERWISE GET ALL EMOTIONAL. E-types’ faces melt when tears or other tender emotions are displayed. So my esteemed I-types, if you aren’t getting your way using any other tactics, then boo-hoo and cry, or go into a fit or a wild-eyed rage. It works like a charm every time.

Are you tired of being nice, Mr. Nice Guy or Ms. Nice Gal, my dear E-type? I bet so. You are prone to getting whacked out by extreme thinking and extreme emotional displays of being hurt. Well, it’s time to make this all about you, isn’t it?


Are you dealing with a crappy or scrappy communicator? Chances are your talk opposition isn’t feeling hurt at all, but simply making cool calculated communication moves to have her way at your expense. In short, the negative talker is just fictionalizing or doing some pretty convincing psychodrama to force you to back down emotionally. Hey, they’re just tricks of the guilt talk trade, y’all. Well, my respected Empathizer communicator, your blue communicator car will veer off the two-way communicator highway if you listen to such bad communication crapola. And whose fault is that? Now who’s in the driver’s seat of your life?


Dennis O’Grady is an effective communication keynote speaker and workshop leader who delivers corporate training which actually improves communication fast, from top to bottom. Dennis is the original developer of the powerful Talk to Me© effective communication system. You can experience the benefits of his communication system directly by interacting with the 12 dimensions of the 2 communicator types (and switch within the 4 talk lanes when one is closed) in his book by the same title. Talk to Me: Communication Moves To Get Along with Anyone is available at www.drogrady.com and Amazon.

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