As a clinical psychologist specializing in communication, Dennis has worked for more than 30 years with top executives and their teams to overcome barriers to ongoing success in their companies or organizations. He is the founder of New Insights Communication, a management consulting firm dedicated to the advancement of organizational development, and professional and personal growth. His executive coaching and business consulting programs focus on the areas of communication, listening skills, leadership development, change management, and conflict resolution.
Dennis is the author of three works which include Taking the Fear Out of Changing, No Hard Feelings, and Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along With Anyone. He is a Clinical Professor at Wright State University School of Professional Psychology and has been a workshop presenter for such educational agencies as the University of Dayton, the Dayton Development Coalition, Sinclair Community College, and Miami University. He is President-Elect of the Dayton Area Psychological Association.
Now let’s give a big Motoman welcome to Dr. Dennis O’Grady!
Good afternoon folks. Better a heat wave than a cold snap, I always say. Course, none of us can control the weather, but all of us can control being better communicators. And that’s my topic comin’ right at ya’ for this great Friday meeting.
Hi…My name is Dennis O’Grady, and I can’t tell you how honored I feel to be here today to assist Motoman in educating and developing employees to become better communicators. We all know that good communication is the key to success at work and at home and at LIFE! I challenge the saying that talk is cheap, we all know that’s not true, talk isn’t cheap — it’s priceless.
I know how to improve your ability to communicate.
As your communications psychologist, I’m going to take a wild guess at what you’re turning over in your mind right now. Perhaps you’re thinking, “Here we go again, talking about the importance of teamwork and communication — but you know how highbrow leaders are — they just talk fancy and talk on and on but they never have to walk the talk like I do every day.” Well, you’ve got a point there, don’t you? Leadership talking about talk, gushing with enthusiasm, isn’t good communication. To be a good communicator one must be able to see the world through the eyes of those they talk to. They must walk a mile in the shoes of others in order to be heard. This is a perfect example of why most programs don’t stick. Management does not walk the talk.
I don’t mind pessimists, because I IS one. Perhaps like me, you can be a tad bit cynical at times, too. Something like this: “Yeah, it’s a new communication initiative all right, but shoot…everyone knows not much is going to change around here anyway, so why bother. I’ll just lie low and fly under the radar and put a big grin on my face and watch how this one goes splat on the wall and falls off the charts, just like all the other ‘great’ initiatives we’ve been through. Been there…done that. I’ll just do my job and keep my bright ideas to myself. I’ll get along by giving the appearance that I’m going along with the program. Humph! It’ll just be a fad that’s here today and gone tomorrow, and not much will have changed. ”
Perhaps you see this as another “feel good” or “here we go again” HR program…but that’s simply not true.
As you know Mike Gabbard shares the results of the Employee Satisfaction Survey with you each year. And as you probably recall, every year communication was an area needing improvement, but not one requiring emergency intervention. Bottom line is that 63% of employees nationwide feel that communication in their company is pretty darn good. At Motoman, you scored a 68%. Comparatively speaking, not too bad. But I can tell ya one thing, Craig Jennings is not a bit happy with 68%. We can do better. If we are to be the best of the best, you must do better. That is where Leadership stands.
So…I’m here to ask you in a challenging way — what do you stand for? Do you feel the same way? Do you feel that many problems here can be fixed by communicating properly? I’m told here at Motoman that you want to lead the pack in good communication, communication that both solves problems and values people. So today, if you agree to take a chance to prove to yourself how well the TALK2ME system works, YOU will have the communication map to solve many confusing riddles. Know this: The Talk to Me system works when you use it. The Talk to Me system isn’t hard to learn. The Talk to Me system is like learning how to drive a car safely and expertly. You will be able to get where you need and want to go by using the theory of the two types of communicators…blue vs. burnt orange colors of cars, to use the car metaphor in my system. But why even try, you ask? Are we just throwing another highbrow program up against the wall to see if it sticks? Well, why not try something new, if it nets huge rewards for all?
I’ve cracked the communicator code, and we can go for the mother load. You and I were born as either an Empathizer-type or an Instigator-type communicator. Short story: There’s a new communication theory in town, and your leadership here at Motoman has the gumption to try it and prove that it works. But I can’t do this alone. I need your help. So that’s why I’ve opened my kimono to tell you the straight story.
Well, the Cliff Notes version of the whole story is that smoke poured out of my ears and I became the shepherd of the two communicator types. Here’s what I now know…
1. If you don’t know your communicator type, whether you’re an Empathizer-type communicator or an Instigator-type communicator, chances are you’re unintentionally making costly mistakes.
2. A one-size communicator shoe doesn’t fit all. Thus, if you don’t know how Empathizer and Instigator communicators think differently…react to stress differently…listen from diametrically opposed positions…need positive feedback in different amounts…value feelings differently…well, it’s about the same as running your car without changing the oil. You’ll be an optimist — until your car stops dead, just when you need it most to keep going.
3. Using the TALK2ME system in interactive group exercises, I know the best communication ideas will pour forth from within you. Through these exercises, I will promote your ideas for better communication at Motoman and, with your permission, I will even post those ideas on my Web site,
4. Now…It’s O.K. to be a Doubting Thomas. It won’t hurt the results. Drive in new lanes of communication, and you will go far with a lot fewer misunderstandings and aggravations. Healthy skepticism is a good thing. I was, too, until the results that came from new communication moves worked so well in the 470 cases I studied.
5. Are you smart enough? Of course you are. Anyone here can easily learn the habits of highly effective communicators. I’ll prove it to you! No matter your gender or age or country of origin, TALK2ME is like driving a car — with a little coaching on the subject, you will drive well and quickly learn new, safe driving habits.
In short, communication is my business! Relationship communication things I know. We can have a little fun, too. Achieving your goals in the Motoman communication initiative is what matters the most to me NOW. You see, I know that the TALK2ME system, when used…consistently results in the light bulb went on for me … and you … effect. Enough already of, “Nobody really cares to take time to ‘just talk’ to understand my situation.” From now on, we walk the talk to “Satisfy the Customer” — and that Customer is you, all of you, here at Motoman.
It takes decent human beings to make a robot. I know how pleased and grateful you are to be the makers of the best robots in the world. I know that you go home tired at night, sometimes to kids who need your time and attention. I’ve got three daughters, two of whom are teens, so I know what that’s all about. BUT I also know your energy is going to be significantly boosted with this system. In fact, it’s like going from the horse and buggy era…to travel by automobile…and beyond that to the supersonic jet world. So, are you up for pursuing satisfying communication with one another, across all levels? I’m betting you are.
With a little help from you, my new partners in good communication and listening, I’m going to put each of you in the driver’s seat of your own communication life. I’m going to teach you how to steer around roadblocks and how to read the road signs on The Talk Highway, to achieve better results and help you to feel better, too. I’m going to show you how to get a kick out of being who you are, AND how to enjoy the trip of your life as you travel speedily along your life highway….
And, just in case you might be curious, your life partner most likely will be your opposite communicator type. Go figure!!!
So, I guess you heard me say “Listen UP!” This IS the official kickoff of the Motoman Communication Challenge. Does it get any better than this? Thanks for honoring me, our leadership, and yourself by listening to me today. I wish to warmly thank you in advance for just considering this new approach. We’ve got nothing to lose but a bag of bad feelings, and we have everything to gain when your ideas are implemented for a change.
When you see me around, say, “Hey Dennis. “TALK TO ME!” We have about seven months to work together to learn and implement new strategies which will get fast results that last. This won’t just be about our talking big and acting small, because you will be asked to measure how well we’re all doing…or how poorly. I will fail or succeed based on how you measure my effectiveness…and I’m fine with that. The acid test: By spring will you sincerely check the survey box, “My manager does communicate better with me”? And will you check the box, “I know who I’m talking to by type and I speak up more confidently and effectively”? Everyone here wants to be a little bit better communicator TODAY, and you will be better communicators by using the TTM system.
Why bother? I hope I’ve answered that, but to reiterate…because poor communication shoots down opportunities, which is the same thing as throwing your money out the car window as you drive home this evening.
Enough talking, already. I…You…WE must walk the talk. Here’s what I believe…
Genuine efforts to improve communication must start at the top… To this end, Craig Jennings has already been participating in executive coaching in the TALK2ME system. Mr. Jennings knows his communicator type, and he knows what he wishes to create here at Motoman. Most important is that Craig feels that better communication will lead to more TRUST, fewer misunderstandings, and less unnecessary strife. How true!
Second, Mr. Jennings’s leadership type in the TALK2ME system is the most powerful producer of results, both positive and negative. What he seeks to make happen, happens… whenever he puts his mind to it. What he says comes true. He happens to believe in the target of good communication… effective communication which is trusting, positive and accurate. He has the confidence and humility as a leader to do what so few are willing to do — he’s first changing himself by going to “Communicator School,” before he asks you to.
Third, Craig will not ask you to do what he isn’t doing himself. He will lead by demonstrating examples of good communication. The Executive Team will follow suit. And good communication will flow through all levels at Motoman, from top to middle to the ground floor. Like the human body, we need the brains…the heart…the smarts and soul…the arms and legs and feet, to get the job done. And so we will.
Fourth, to prove this to you, he will hold a talk lottery to “Just Talk” with you. When your name is drawn, you will receive a visit from Craig and me…just to find out how you like your job…and more importantly, what you think we all can do to become better communicators. For example, you may suggest that we all listen better, because you believe that 70-75% of communication is listening with an open mind and with ears that are not stuffed with cotton. After all, God gave us two ears and one mouth for a very good reason, and I will write about it in the Friday Talk News, which will be delivered right to your e-mail, and from which you can opt out of at any time.
Fifth, I met with the Executive Team Monday to sincerely ask for their blessing, for their buy in to the Motoman Communication Challenge, which won’t require too much time or too much effort. What a great bunch of oranges and apples in the communication orchard! They personally reassured me that I have their full cooperation, too. That, “No, this isn’t a stupid idea to laugh up our sleeves at.” The Executive Team, too, will show you by their actions that good communication is what we’re all about here at Motoman.
Sixth. No, this is not an altruistic project. With good communication, fewer mistakes are made, and more deals are sealed as we travel up the next hill on the two-way communicator highway. Morale will be boosted, as will profits. Not a bad deal, huh? Additionally, the approaches and talk tools I’ll be teaching you to use will work equally well in your work life and in your home life. The communication principles are the same; they are just different sides of the same Talk Street on which you’re driving or walking.
In conclusion, the communications solutions I’ve personally designed to succeed here have taken a great deal of time in research, planning, and careful attention to detail. Will you agree with me that Motoman is ready to face and fulfill the communication challenge? Will we be able to “just talk” to one another across levels that benefit everyone? The core gauge of success will be the survey process. The employees…YOU …must say communication is MUCH better. YOU must confirm that communication is FAR clearer. YOU will truthfully say that communication is MORE effective here at Motoman.
What’s the big target we’re taking aim at? The goal of this initiative is to improve communication among all Motoman employees, across all levels, eliciting a higher rate of employee satisfaction, decreasing employee turnover, naturally increasing productivity, increasing creative solutions to vexing problems, and increasing employee — and customer — satisfaction.
It’s now time ladies and gentlemen to drive on the two-way communicator highway together. We’ve got the map, we’ve got the right attitude, we’ve got the target, and we know the driving rules of the road ahead. Now it’s time to get to where we want and need to go, AND enjoy the ride as we travel along to our next communication destination.
So, TALK TO ME! I will be seeing you in our group training sessions soon. I appreciate very much, you, your time, and your contributions to better communication.