Anger is at work in the workplace and is a silent deadly force that restricts innovation and motivation. Employers hire consultants to provide “brain food” such as time management, conflict resolution, building teamwork and strategic planning (just to mention a few) but they shy away from dealing with the “emotional undertow” of everyday frustrations.
I worry about “anger imploders” more than I fret about “anger exploders.” Anger imploders “stuff” their frustrations until they spill over, causing a shut down, stupid action or knee-jerk reaction. Anger exploders “get IT off their chest,” sending everyone scurrying to a safe place to avoid the wrath of the “venter.” What a sneaky way to get your way! Neither strategy – passively swallowing anger until a worker reaches a breaking point, or throwing anger around aggressively – works very well if you are profit-driven. In fact, negative or “crusty anger” is the opposite of enjoying the challenges of one’s life work.