Talk IT Out for a Change? What do you think?
IN case you’ve ever felt frustrated with your boss, of whatever gender, here is some straight talk in this crooked world from a THINKER and a DOER…and a beloved reader. (You will find many more stimulating reader ideas as we travel along together on the talk road less traveled.)
Hey, Dennis.
I don’t know if it’s age, wisdom that comes with age, or the fact that I’ve raised two teen-agers and lived to tell about it, but it’s getting harder and harder for me to just keep my mouth shut around here at work.
Do all egotistical CEOs love themselves so much that they can’t see how shallow they are sometimes????? Sometimes, they seem like junior high boys, slapping each other’s butts for the tiniest little accomplishments…and then they give themselves a raise or a new title or something, while the rest of us sit here, working our butts off for…reduced benefits and higher insurance premiums! Sigh…