What To do When You’re Fed Up With Being Down
It’s NOT so hard to change hardening of the attitudes.
When you’re fed up with feeling down, there are ways that you can talk to yourself that will build back up your confidence. But nothing kills progress or open communication faster than close-minded attitudes that box a person into a comfortable or so-called secure “known zone” that is both stifling and claustrophobic.
Got attitude? Here’s the reality: all of life is a series of choices regarding how you will respond to yourself and others when you’re feeling afraid due to a loss of control. The paradox: The harder you try to control people or a situation…the less effective and satisfied you will be…and the less positive feedback you will receive from your world. Hard attitudes keep you stuck in that paradox.
Why do humans excel in talking negatively to themselves?
– Practice since childhood creates the perfect “I/You’re not good enough!” environment for avoiding emotions
– Good people feel bad about feeling mad
– Feelings can rule the home or work roost
– Extreme emotions can supplant rational talks
– Fear specializes in making people feel shy and embarrassed
– Hard feelings: “Better to be safe than sorry!”
– Hard thinking: “I won’t be blind-sided by hurt if I keep my guard up!”
BE(A)WARE: If you catch yourself blaming or badgering yourself or someone else…you CAN BOOST your attitude. Hard attitudes will run your life if you permit them to…and drive you up a wall and down again over and over and over.