What’s The Toughest Emotion You Wrestle With?

Intense emotions have a life and a mind of their own in the comforting world of relationships. Like it or not: Strong emotions often dictate the outcome of problems in relationships or at work. In my clinical research, Instigator-type communicators take pride in putting their strong mind over errant emotions. In contrast, Empathizer-type communicators take pride in processing rampant emotions to guide tough life changes. Either way, there is a time and season for everything…including when to pay attention to emotions and when to ignore them.


What emotions lead your talk parade today? What rough-and-tough emotions do you wrestle with that affect what you say and do…or more importantly what you don’t say or don’t do that is good for you? What emotions determine whether you and I talk positively or speak negatively? Here are the results (in descending order) of the New Insights Communication poll offered recently at drogrady.com:

#1: Anxiety … 32.00%

#2: Guilt … 20.00%

#3: Loneliness … 16.00%

#4: Anger … 12.00%

#5: Depression … 12.00%

#6: Insecurity … 8.00%


Emotions are the “noise” in the background of any communication that causes mishearing and misspeaking. If the emotions are “loud enough or “noisy” enough, you can get a headache and have difficulty deciphering the message…the core message will be drowned out in all the roar. According to this survey, ANXIETY is the most common emotion you will feel…followed my GUILT…and then LONELINESS.


Perhaps that’s why the witty saying “My-Bad” is gaining popularity. My point: Combined, these are all VERY powerful (even toxic) emotions that when unprocessed, can wreak havoc with your home and work life. And please know: I am not making excuses for your irresponsible actions because your feelings aren’t bigger than your ability to manage them. I’m just saying that emotions make people SPEAK the negative and DO the negative, repetitively. That is, until we decide to change for the better.


Do you generate anxiety? If you feel guilty for having hard times or having it so good, you will generate anxiety and leave people feeling put off or ticked off after you deal intimately with them. How do people feel after they come in contact with you? Better off, or worse off? For example, do you go about your day in an “I’ve got to hurry up because my back is up against the wall and everybody is expecting me to get it all done for them yesterday and I just want the world to stop so I can get off and…”?


Freedom is around the corner when you realize that YOU are the generator of much of your own anxiety-anger-guilt-blue cycle because of the way you talk to YOU. Actually, that’s why I wrote “Taking the Fear Out of Changing” and “Talk to Me.” I heard from my clients that fear/anxiety/worry/dread/ruminating/fretting/etc. were running their life shows and determining their destinies. Not any fun. Why not bump up your mood to the positive for a change of pace today?


I suppose some people just want to be uptight and not enjoy life, but I don’t think that’s very saintly. That’s all I can figure when the approach to feel better fast is at your fingertips in my third book, “Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along with Anyone,” for less than the price of a dinner for two. Hey, if you want to suffer…the world is your oyster. But if you want to be as happy (mostly) as a clam at high tide, then check out the benefits my clients have told me they receive from using my talk system:

1. Energy improves…“Where does he/she get all his/her energy?”

2. Mood bumps up to the positive…“Nothing much seems to get you down for very long!”

3. Self-inflicted worry and anxiety declines…“Why run yourself in circles or beat your head against a wall?”

4. Enjoying…“They really seem to enjoy people from all walks of life!”

5. The light bulb turns on effect…“My relationships no longer derail me from doing what’s good for me.”

6. Impossible people don’t make you reel…“Difficult people are no longer so difficult!”

7. Improved problem-solving…“I let go of relationship or work situations that aren’t working.”

8. Talking positively to self…“I have a far better inner-personal relationship with my self.”

9. Optimistic attitude…“I have more vitality, less depressive thinking, irritations don’t ruin my day.”


You may not be able to control what other people say or do to you. You may not be able to advise people to adopt the life changes you recommend to make their life better and more relaxed. You may not be able to make people stop swimming in an Olympic-size pool of pity and psychodrama or melodrama. But you can talk positively to yourself in encouraging ways when all Heaven is ready to break loose. What have you got to lose? Only a bad mood driven by a hurricane of emotions that will rip your attention away from doing what works to achieve your heart-felt goals. The choice is yours…now…more than ever before with the new talk technology.

Dr. Dennis O’Grady tends to prefer swimming (or scuba diving) in an Olympic-sized swimming pool of positive communication and effective relationships that are satisfying and fulfilling (and fun, like the pool!). He’s also founder of New Insights Communication and author of “Talk to Me: Communication Moves To Get Along With Anyone.”

Previous New Insights Communication polls have included “Are You An Optimistic Driver On The Two-Way Communication Highway?”“The Elephant Stampede”“What Makes A Good Leader Great?” “Does Your Attitude Work To Make You A Better Leader?”“What’s Up With Your Confidence Level?”“When You Argue, Are You Always Right?” … “Are You Shy or Stuck Up?”… “How Do You Handle Anger?”…“Are Men or Women Better Communicators?” “How Easily Are You Frustrated?”

I Can’t Believe You Said That

“I can’t believe you said that!” is the rallying cry of shocked Instigator-type (I-type) communicators who hear something coming out of YOUR mouth that doesn’t fit THEIR world view of what YOU’RE supposed to be saying, doing or being.

Empathizer-type communicators (E-type), on the other hand, are more likely to respond with, “You hurt me when you said that!” when they hear something coming out of YOUR mouth that stings or sticks in THEIR mind like a harpoon in the soft underbelly of a whale. Both spoken transactions imply that the receiver has unwittingly blown up the relationship bridge of the speaker without intending to…and so the speaker should apologize and get busy fixing the problem.


Instigators or I-types listen with a mission in mind. When I ask I-types in my communications classes and case studies what their mind is doing during a heated discussion: “I’m readying my next counter-argument because I know I’m right and I’ve got to stand up for my position.”

And when I ask Empathizers or E-types what they’re doing during a heated discussion: “I’m trying to steady my nerves and not feel too hurt so I can come back and calmly state my point.” Which one are you…and E- or I-type communicator? Which one is your partner?


My Talk to Me relationship approach builds new communication patterns, and I show how E-types therefore listen with “three ears” and I-types listen with “one ear.” What do I mean by this? E-types are both listening to the “spoken message” and the “implied message” and sorting like crazy. I-types listen with “one ear to steer the conversation in the direction they think it should go.” Neither type is better or worse, since both approaches work well at different times. E-types would do better if they stuffed cotton in their ears when “me-bad songs” are sung until their head hangs down.


When I drive on a one-way street of talking, or allow someone to steer me down dark avenues, it’s a miracle that any of us can find our way or even try to talk at all! In fact, words have been so altered, watered down and distorted to be devoid or empty of true meaning too many times. On the other hand, we all must resort to words in order to “problem-solve” and “people connect,” which is what we say we’re all about.


Words form the bricks of the bridges that are needed to cross from one side of a talk canyon to the other side. Here’s how to bridge communication gaps when you hear “I can’t believe you said that!”

1. SLOW DOWN WHEN OTHERS MOVE TOO FAST. When your pulse rate quickens, remind yourself: “I can’t control what others say about me to ME! BUT I don’t have to agree or soak up those negative vibes, either.” And, “I can respond assertively instead of react defensively like I’ve learned to do from Dennis’ TTM approach.”

2. DO A START-OVER? If someone constantly hurts you or gets on your nerves, such as your mom or sister, dad or brother, partner or lover, should you forgive and forget and move on? Absolutely, do NOT pass that go UNLESS the “offensive talk driver” suggests: “Let’s do a start-over. I was in a crummy mood and blew IT and that’s my fault. I’m truly sorry. Can we start over?”

3. MINE FAILURES OR MIND FAILURES? Why give a second thought to the “kernel of truth” of cheap shots about your sterling character? It’s just off-the-cuff chattering from a chatterbox, anyway! Failing to communicate positively with yourself? Then dig down deep to mine the gold ore of the “core lessons” that only failure can teach you. Example: Must you always be SO predictable?

4. “IT’S WHAT YOU LEARN AFTER YOU KNOW IT ALL!” When you agree to take seriously the stupid comments of a know-it-all, you will become a know-it-little in no time at all. Coach “Saint” John Wooden, winner of 9 collegiate NCAA championships, downsized tall and strapping egos when he practiced: “It’s what you learn after you know it all!”

5. KNOW (NO) REGRETS. Although it’s regrettable that people can’t or won’t get along with you, or people might speak or react negatively to what you do that is really good for you to do, do what’s good for YOU, anyway. You will know regrets BUT STAND for a life of no regrets…no excuses…no resentments…no lame blame games…no “they wouldn’t let me.”

6. PROBLEM-SOLVE DON’T PERSON-SOLVE. Your Achilles Heel might be that you care too much. You care to understand…you care to hang in there during tough times…you care to help people who act greedy…you care to be a good Christian or Jew even when you’re getting “evil looks.” Generally speaking, focus your mission of solving problems instead of changing people who are always “right.”

7. SHINE THE LIGHT. I know you feel wounded and in a dark cave all alone and pushed outside the group too often. Keep the faith and hope alive! You have a flashlight in your hand with TTM…turn on your flashlight…shine the light around in that dank cave…look for the “exit” sign and get going in new talk directions.

8. SPINUNICATION. Stop being SO-o nice. Stop listening to all the “spin” monkeys who tell you if you don’t think “we’re right and if you don’t agree you will go down on a fast escalator to Hell.” SO why let your mind to be “spun around” in a thousand directions by fast-talkers? Stick to the truth of your experience that you know to be so.

9. USE YOUR JOY STICK. Communication is a series of “in-flight course corrections,” similar to the right and left ailerons on the outside of the plane wing that you see go up and down when you fly on vacation. Your primary job is to be the pilot of the plane of your own life! Do not permit hijackers aboard. When detractors speak rigidly of your life course or mission, cry a little but say goodbye a lot.


Communication is either a one-way or a two-way talk street. You can only sweep up and take care of the side of the talk street you walk on. You can’t walk on two sides of the street at the same time. I suggest you more often confront the ridiculous statements that strong-willed Instigator communicators make to you genteel Empathizer communicators that SO-o intimidate you. Stop shaking in your boots! Otherwise, not much change is going to happen in your world of talk “as the world spins.”


Stick to the truth that you know, and you won’t lose. Keep your mind open to the positive…close your mind to the negative. Do the new…be afraid of comfort zones that make you feel smug, glum, numb. And by all means, celebrate your life today. Laugh! Life is seriously funny! And remember that 83% of the time, you have the gold opportunity to talk positively to yourself inside your own skull!

Dr. Dennis O’Grady, author of Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along with Anyone, likes to think of himself as a communication aileron, constantly nudging people this way and that to get them moving in the right direction.

The Secret Fear Of Men Who Won’t Commit

Are you a woman who negatively talks to her “inner-personal self” about how chicken men are nowadays to make emotional commitments to women who are gorgeous inside and out? Whoa…go easy. Talking negatively about untrustworthy men inside your skull (or out loud with gal pals) can attract the very type of man you don’t need or want in your life. It’s easy to tell if a man is “ambivalent” about having “a serious relationship” with a good woman. Isn’t it?


It doesn’t take a fancy 100 question interview to determine if a man is open to loving and being loved in a mature way. Well then how? ONE HUGE relationship red flag will wave in front of your face when a man fears or avoids making an emotional commitment to you. It’s nothing personal. Most of us guys simply aren’t much interested in lies, deceit and control…it takes too much work.

Here’s what makes a man or any person “afraid” of commitment and thus untrustworthy:

  • People (men or women) who blame others for their life mistakes aren’t trustworthy.
  • People (men or women) who don’t blame others for their life mistakes are trustworthy.
  • People (men or women) who change a situation instead of trying to change a person are more trustworthy.
  • People (men or women) who don’t keep their word aren’t trustworthy.
  • People (men or women) who don’t keep it simple aren’t trustworthy.
  • People (men or women) who have “mommy” or “daddy” hang-ups aren’t trustworthy.


If a potential partner is a “lame blamer,” then you will be blamed for your partner’s inadequacy or unwillingness to make a commitment. Carrying that blame makes it difficult to stick through the tough times every loving couple travels to over time.


Do you blame guys for your relationship goofs, mistakes, blunders or failures? Of course you don’t! Let’s talk positively for a change of pace. You’ve got nothing to worry about when it comes to finding the love of your life.

1. LET’S TALK. Serious talks aren’t opposed or feared

2. BE HONEST. Honesty at all times…white lies are still lies

3. TRUE LOVE. True love…not true love of the benefit package

4. PROBLEMS SOLVED. Problem-solving…what works is used and what doesn’t work is discontinued

5. RAUCOUS SEX. Enjoying raucous sex…private sexual thrills are promoted

6. PERSONAL GROWTH. Growing together…change is embraced not feared

7. OPTIMISTIC. The “glass is full to overflowing” attitude…focusing on partner strengths instead of critiques

8. GOD-LOVING. Centering of self in the higher layers of life

9. FAIR PLAY. Fairness…fair and rational “fighting” is used that doesn’t include paybacks

10. RESPONSE-ABILITY. Negative lectures or guilt trips aren’t used to bludgeon a partner into compliance

11. TALKING POSITIVELY. Anxieties are largely corrected first inside the skull of the individual by using positive talk tools

12. TALK TO A KID TODAY. Kid-focused…children are seen as emotional relationships, not difficult projects

13. PET LOVERS. Likes pets…a friendly attitude toward pets and “talking with” the family pet

14. ASSERTIVE. Leader…is a positive leader of own life


Commitment talk and true commitment hinge on trustworthiness. For a change, consider matching with a communicator type exactly like your own. If you’re an Empathizer…date trustworthy like-minded Empathizer communicators. If you’re an Instigator…date trustworthy like-minded Instigator communicators.That’s not so hard, is it?

Dr. Dennis O’Grady has frequently been seen talking to his dog, Sierra, so he definitely fits some of the criteria needed for a positive relationship. He usually talks to the pooch positively, assertively and with true love, which covers at least four more qualities. He’s the author of “Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Alone With Anyone” and founder of New Insights Communication in Dayton, OH.