Your Communicator Type…And Positive vs. Negative Feedback

Your communicator type determines your comfort level with positive or negative feedback and comments. How comfortable are you with giving and receiving positive or negative feedback? Do you like or loathe positive vs. negative feedback? You shouldn’t have to stuff your feelings inside for fear that you might offend the opposite sex, or anyone. But that’s exactly what many “warm and caring normal and nice people” do nowadays. They speak their positive thoughts about you and me privately to themselves.


There is a distinction between your communicator type and your comfort level giving and receiving compliments, too. Some fun core communicator differences:

Empathizer (E-types) communicators more often give positive compliments than their Instigator (I-types) communicator counterparts

I-types accept positive words spoken about them more easily and with less embarrassment

E-types more quickly forget positive words spoken to them

I-types speak positive sentiments quietly to themselves when/if they are feeling down

E-types are better self-criticizers

I-types are better ego-busters

E-types are better ego-boosters

E-types take negatives more personally than positives

I-types take negatives more impersonally than positives

Both E- and I-types don’t want to feel lonely and prefer feeling appreciated and loved


Overall (in my experience), Empathizer-type communicators are more comfortable giving positives (when positives are deserved), and Instigator-type communicators are more confident feeling they deserve positives from others. Both E-types and I-types struggle with the art of giving constructive negative feedback.

Dr. Dennis O’Grady likes to think of himself as the AAA tow-truck driver, the guy who arrives on the scene just in time to help everyone on the Communications Highway make the necessary repairs – sometimes small, sometimes huge – that get everyone going again. He’s author of “Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along With Anyone.” His company, New Insights Communication, is located in the cradle of inventiveness…Dayton, Ohio, USA. O’Grady’s book is now available at

My View Of The Truth

Communication can get real ugly when people hold two (or more) different viewpoints and feel at war, not peace-full. Victims of bad talk are all of us who are trying to avoid pointing the finger of blame, or throwing rocks of resentment that maim. When conflict and tension are dancing as fast as they can across your communicator stage, your view of the truth is needed to be heard to garden change.


Reality is what two or more people agree on as true and valid. Empathizer communicators (E-types) hold to a private view of truth vs. untruth, assuming everyone must be able to “see and agree” on what they do. Instigator communicators (I-types) more forcibly declare a public view of right vs. wrong, assuming everyone will “hear and agree” on what they think we all should do. Problem is…truth is a many-sided elephant, said the blind man.


These are some prompts to talk when you don’t know what to say. Next I will give you examples of how they sound in real life.

1. My view of the truth is…

2. What I need you to hear is…

3. My take on the problem is…

4. This is my experience with this…

5. My feedback is…

6. My two cents worth…

7. I need to vent…

8. This is my offering…

9. My view of this happens to be….

“What I heard you say was…” “It wasn’t just me who heard that…” “So we don’t have any further miscommunication…” “I don’t see any reason for hostilities…” are some other novel ways to get your point across without making an enemy by casting sharp stones of blame.


Now, since the “hard times” are good for us, let’s see how truth plays out in the real world of people talking.

1. My view of the truth is… Example: “My view of the truth is that you say that you’re working on it because I can’t get on your case if you’re putting some energy into it.”

2. What I need you to hear is… Example: “What I need you to hear is that just because we’ve always gone to your parents for the holidays, habit doesn’t make it the right thing for us to go again this year.”

3. My take on the problem is… Example: “My take on the problem is that we’re not progressing fast enough. I want to see some signs of progress. I want things to move forward because I’m unwilling to live like this.”

4. This is my experience with this… Example: “This is my experience with this: You say you couldn’t do anything to change it but I disagree. You didn’t want to do anything to make any waves, so you went along to get along to claim it wasn’t your fault.”

5. My feedback is… Example: “My feedback is we ought to get together and talk calmly. When you or I get mad at each other and then treat each other disrespectfully, it’s like throwing gasoline on a fire.”

6. My two cents worth is… Example: “My two cents worth is that we really know how to push each others’ buttons, and hit below the belt. Then we have a slugfest instead of a lovefest.”

7. I need to vent… Example: “I need to vent. The kids called you a ‘screamer’…enough already. You’re beating a dead horse trying to make the kids agree with you.”

8. This is my offering… Example: “This is my offering… we shouldn’t say ‘why don’t you just get over it’ anymore. We need to ‘get into it’…work out the feelings instead of get over them.”

9. My view of this happens to be… Example: “My view of this happens to be that reality is a many splendid thing, and self-delusion is cancerous.”

Well, that’s been more fun than climbing a tree and hollering at the top of your lungs, hasn’t it?


Relaying your view of the truth is what matters. If you are an E-type communicator, you are prone to becoming tongue-tied when a contest of wills is waged, and need to be supported to stay on-focus and talk-open. If you are an I-type communicator, you are prone to dismissing the reality of the other speaker, and need encouragement to hold back from overwhelming them with the logical power of your points.


A rule of the fool-hearted is: “If I don’t talk about my feelings…the issue that made the feelings surface will disappear, too.” There’s more than a little truth to this favorite Instigator-truism. On the other hand, not talking about feelings productively, is like holding your breath for too long. Something big is going to come along to kick you out of your complacency, such as having a fainting spell, or dipping into a downer mood or becoming a screamer.


When viewpoints aren’t shared respectfully, and when you don’t learn something new to strengthen relationship bonds…IT makes the bravest among us feel like crawlin’ into bed headfirst and staying there. Miscommunication makes us all feel so alone, disconnected, mad and mortally sad. Just makes me wonder why we do it so much.


Dennis O’Grady is a keynote speaker, family business consultant, relationship counselor, excecutive coach and author of the new communication system found only in “Talk to Me: Communication Moves To Get Along With Anyone.”

SOS…Just A Different Day

Same song, different day? “Same old sh**…just a different day!” is a crass way to express this cross sentiment: “I let my negative attitude be in the driver’s seat, and drive away with my mood, and drive people away from me to boot.” A person with a bad attitude isn’t aware that his or her bad attitude is the stink in the room that makes everyone’s nose sorry to be in the business of smelling.


A person with a negative attitude doesn’t think of him- or herself as being negative at all, much less too negative for the good of your relationship. Here are communication instances of “negatalking” that are instant energy drainers and mood downers.

1. IT’S NOT MY JOB. A negative attitude that rationalizes being lazy and fearful of going the extra (s)mile.

2. I DIDN’T GET TO IT. Preferring procrastination to productivity. Inwardly smiling when someone gets exasperated who was needing your help.

3. I EXPECTED MORE FROM YOU. Blaming another person for refusing to do what you typically don’t gladly do.

4. I DON’T HAVE TIME TO TALK RIGHT NOW. Skipping out of the town of Talk because you are too important and too busy to find time right now to.

5. WHY CAN’T YOU THINK OF THE GOOD STUFF? Making someone feel bad about feeling bad. Kicking someone who is in the middle of being angry at the self.

6. WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO CHANGE WHEN YOU DON’T? Forgetting about good personal changes you are wise to make, because your nemesis unwisely prohibits making personal changes.

7. WHY DON’T YOU CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE? Declaring that changing one’s attitude or mood altitude is as easy as snapping your fingers to adjust your in-flight course.

8. WHY CAN’T YOU JUST FORGET ABOUT IT? Verbally punishing someone for failing to forget what was done to them that they didn’t like then or now.

9. YOU’VE GOT TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOURSELF. This is a one-up put-down of the personal struggle of another who is trying to manage a mood without resorting to compulsive use of yelling, alcohol, overwork or a obsessively negative attitude.

10. YOU’RE THINKING TOO MUCH. Translated, this means that you aren’t thinking the way I want you to think, so I am uncomfortable with your “free thinking style” that leads to anarchy and mayhem.

11. YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M SAYING. This is an accusation that you can’t understand the musings of really intelligent people who comprehend all.

12. NOW, I’M NOT BRAGGING BUT… This is the beginning of a boring string of braggart statements that indiciate a person has a supersized ego and excessive self-esteem.

13. WHY DO YOU SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FOOT? O.K. you’ve got me here. You may have shot yourself in the foot, but did this speaker give you the loaded gun to do the dirty deed?

14. YOUR TRYING TO TAKE THE EASY WAY OUT. Shoot, just getting out of a relationship with a difficult person is really hard work and can take years.

15. YOU’RE OBSESSED. What’s wrong being obsessed with the truth, and for standing up for non-hurtful emotional honesty in relationships, for God’s sake?

16. YOU’VE GOT TO DO BETTER THAN THAT. If you’re a difficult person people pleaser, “You’ve got to do better!” will really make you a goat on a rope who’s humping hard to please.

17. WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO OVER-REACT? You could as easily say, “Why do you always have to under-react? If you react more…I’ll react less.”

18. NOTHING MAKES YOU HAPPY. Now that’s the truth. No-thing makes you happy because you are the only one who can make yourself happy. And you make yourself happy by being you in spite of all the pressures trying to twist you into a human pretzel.

19. YOU CAN’T WIN FOR LOSING. Well, you win sometimes, lose sometimes and break even much of the time but that has nothing to do with feeling like a self-respecting winner.

Are you among the in-group of died-in-the-wool super-realists who can’t be taken in by the utter foolishness and mindless frolic of optimists? Bully for you!


Now in my experience as a keynote speaker and professional psychologist, positive people really do feel sappy and crappy. In fact, being mind- and heart-open means you get hurt far more deeply and completely…and the same goes for love. But I know that you have a positive place of compassionate understanding in your heart for YOU, too.

  • Your attitude is your job because …
  • You have time for whatever you consider important to do…
  • You get around to all things important…
  • You expect little of others and most from yourself…
  • You are trustworthy and believable and caring…
  • You freely change what isn’t working for you…
  • You follow through on your promises…
  • You daily change your attitude from negative to positive…
  • You are taking better care of yourself as we speak…
  • You don’t worry too much about nothin’…
  • You think plenty of the good stuff to get your happy back…
  • You forget about people and painful situations you can’t change…
  • You deeply understand and comprehend what other people are saying…
  • You have common sense and uncommon wisdom…
  • You’re thinking and feeling in just the right amounts…
  • You don’t play with loaded guns much less shoot yourself in the foot…
  • You keep it simple and don’t eschew taking an easy street to travel to your destination…
  • You’re obsessed with improving your communication skills…
  • You are responsive instead of reactive…
  • You respect yourself and others equally.


As a great communicator, you realize that the positive attitude battery in your communicator car needs to be recharged when times are tough and fear makes you feel wound tight. Especially when you turn the ignition over and your car doesn’t start…talk positively to yourself using the positive affirmations above.


Dr. Dennis O’Grady is a keynote speaker, professional psychologist, father of three daughters, President-Elect of the Dayton Psychological Association, Clinical Professor at the Wright State School of Professional Psychology, executive coach and relationship counselor and author of “Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along With Anyone.”

Talk to Me: A Communication Trip You Won’t Soon Forget

Why keep flapping your lips and keep doing the same old stuff that doesn’t work? My new interpersonal communication system teaches you new “talk road maps” and “driving tools” to get along better with everyone — at home, at work, at school, in the community. When you understand the two communicator types, and use the four communicator modes, you will embark on a communication trip you won’t soon forget.


You will gain insights and answers to these VERY important questions when you use the  TALK2ME communication system:

1. What is your communicator type?

2. What is the nickname of your subtype?

3. What is your personality type?

4. What is the three-letter designation or “shorthand” for your type?

5. How many subtypes are there?

6. Can you name your opposite communicator’s type?

7. What is your communicator type’s favorite talk mode?

8. What makes you change?

9. What makes you fight against changing?

10. How does your opposing communicator type view you?

11. In what ways do you judge or blame your opposite communicator type?

12. In what ways does your opposite communicator type judge and blame you?

13. What causes a “meltdown” for your communicator type?

14. Is your partner the same or opposite type? Are your children? Family members?

15. How can you “adopt” the strengths of your opposing communicator type?

16. Why are “difficult people” almost always your opposite communicator type?

17. How can you talk in the “language style” of both communicator types to get effective results?

18. How can you avoid the “Achilles Heel” of your communicator style?

19. What does your mood (depression, anxiety, anger, guilt) have to do with your type?

20. What discipline works best with kids and teens of either type?

21. What does the “psychology of communication” have to do with the “art of listening?”

22. Do you know how to ask “directive questions” that provide answers you’ve never before heard?

23. What is the difference between your “public communication style” and your “personal communication style?”


My book and seminar offer rare opportunities to read new “road maps” and use new positive and effective communication “driving tools” to achieve relationship results you’ve only dreamed of. It’s a communication trip you won’t soon forget!


As a clinical psychologist and motivational speaker, Dr. Dennis O’Grady often wondered why decent people felt so down, moody, aggravated, impatient, sullen, resentful, at-odds, unable to talk, in-conflict and split apart. The light bulb came on and the answer came through his extensive clinical work as an individual, family and couple psychotherapist. Eureka! Poor communication in our important relationships at home, work and in the community was at the heart of feeling poorly about ourselves. And many “errors” in communication seemed quite innocent and fell into negative talk patterns or ways of driving off the two-way communication highway that ticked everyone off. Who’s to blame…you or your fellow traveler? Well, no one is to blame if the basic driving rules of the talk road have not been taught. You cannot expect anyone to be a good communicator when you haven’t been taught how to communicate well in light traffic much less congested traffic. “Talk to Me” is a way to “connect the dots” of what causes serious accidents every day, and how to safely and sanely steer a positive course around them. As you use the new “Talk to Me” communication system, you will experience for yourself the positive results of making some thrilling new communication moves. As I’ve said before, using “Talk to Me: Communication Moves To Get Along With Anyone” is more fun than fishing in a stocked pond!

Rules For Conduct As Co-Leaders

Communication is everything. Whether in the bustling entrepreneurial business venture or in the hustling couple adventure of love, co-partners naturally develop and follow rules of conduct. Especially when times are tense, these rules help everyone to keep a calm head and everyone in the team canoe paddling sanely in the same direction. With rules, people know what to say and do when feeling bad. Without rules, canoeists might end up hitting one another over the head with paddles.


Two brothers of a leading entrepreneurial company in the Dayton region co-created a set of rules for conduct that work for the betterment of all. These type of “lead your own life” rules for “conscious living” lead to effective and positive communication and produce the results of peaceful co-existence and mutual prosperity.

Rule #1: BEING ON TIME. Each of us is response-able for being on “our time”…to show up to paddle the canoe together at the appointed hour.

Rule #2: NO SLAMS OR PUT DOWNS. Each of us is response-able to eliminate negative verbal slams or non-verbal put-offs and put-downs when we feel frustrated by a lack of progress.

Rule #3: SKIP GIVING PAYBACKS. Each of us is response-able to forego “an eye for an eye” paybacks that cause melodrama and pain and blind everyone.

Rule #4: TO BE RESPECTFUL. Each of us is response-able to treat one another respectfully…in ways that we wish to be treated.

Rule #5: TO WALK IN DIGNITY. Each of us is response-able to carry the self in ways that promote kindness, caring and dignity for the difficulties of our mutual work, and the strains of working together as a team.

Rule #6: CHANGE WHAT ISN’T WORKING. Each of us is response-able to discontinue doing what divides us, causes unnecessary anger, and keeps us doing the “same old same old” that isn’t working.

Rule #7: PUT ENERGY INTO THE RELATIONSHIP. Each of us is response-able to put energy into studying effective communication approaches and skills that get the job done and make each partner feel valued and valuable.


In the “Talk to Me” communication system, participants who use these new talk principles a few minutes every day report, “I’ve changed the way I approach life!” Pretty powerful commentary coming from leaders at work or home of remarkable character and caliber. The system strikes a chord with most, as my “live” keynotes and seminars prove.


When you combine the respective strengths of the Empathizer-type communicator style AND the Instigator-type communicator style, you will paddle to new places in your “team canoe” that you could never dream of possible.


Dr. Dennis O’Grady is the developer of the “Talk to Me” communication system that adds energy, better mood, self-worth, effective communication and problem-solving rules to our valued business and family systems. His latest book on communication is called, “Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along with Anyone.” O’Grady is a keynote speaker, corporate and leadership communications consultant, and leads “seriously funny” training programs in positive and effective communication skills in the workplace.