Dr. Phil–Instigator Communicator?


An HR person, learning the TALK2ME leadership communication system, had this to say about Dr. Phil, whom I admire a great deal…

Dr. Phil is an Instigator. He is a terrible Empathizer. When he plays the Empathizer role, he appears very uncomfortable. If Dr. Phil knew he was an Instigator communicator, it would bother him greatly. He enjoys helping others by lashing into them with the cold hard truth…square between the eyes. He loves to debate with his words, not with his actions or ears. He is always right and seldom lets the person get away with negatalking. To him, this interaction is not a personality contest. In fact, he could care less if you walk away hating him, so long as he was able to convince you to change.

I wrote back to HR…

I had never thought about whether or not Dr. Phil is an Instigator. But your pithy analysis is right on. Why would it bother Dr. Phil if he knew he was a tough charging Instigator? Did you mean to say that it would not bother him?

Back came this reply…

Dr. O –

You had it correct the first time. If Dr. Phil learned that he was an Instigator, it would not serve him well. Let me explain.

In the business world, we all have a role to play, one in which we would like others to see us. That role then helps our careers.

For Dr. Phil, his fame and fortune depend on his ability to make others believe that he is relationship-focused, caring, nurturing, understanding, an expert listener, doesn’t rush to judgment, and considers all angles before telling someone what to do.

The characteristics I described above are not Dr. Phil. They are those traits of a positive Empathizer (E-type) communicator. Now, true, either type can come off positive or negative depending on the situation.

Think about it then tell me what would happen to Dr. Phil’s career if he or his program participants learned that the real Dr. Phil is all about fame and fortune. The reality is that he is a hard driver, about winning and losing, not how you play the game. He is insensitive to others’ feelings; he is inflexible and unrelentless; he will sell out a relationship if he believes that is what it takes to achieve the desired results; he thinks Empathizers are touchy-feely, soft babies…too sensitive, too emotional, too relationship-focused…who will follow others just for the sake of following.

Dr. Phil is all about whether he can “change them or not on national TV,” which, of course, will increase TV ratings.

The reality is that, as his primary goal, he is not in this business to help others. His primary goal is to win — helping others is secondary. If I knew that about him, I would question whether or not I could trust him.

You dig, Dennis?  Or am I way off base?

Now I was getting a little queasy with these hard-hitting observations from a fellow Instigator about his Instigator pal, Dr. Phil. Please don’t get the wrong idea. I admire Dr. Phil very much, and he is a fellow psychologist. He understands that 82% of all communication involves the silent conversations and instructions that we carry on with ourselves. And I can hardly imagine doing what he does while cameras are recording his every move! He truly makes “common sense psychology” and “positive relationship communication tools” come alive for us all.

My response…

Remarkably on point. That’s a view which shows you have a deep understanding of negative v. positive I-type motivations. And Dr. Phil has definitely adopted the positive E-type traits that will really connect with an audience…and the audiences are probably a majority of Empathizers. Enjoy your day….

The startling comeback…

Difference between Dr. Phil-Instigator positive and Dr. O’Grady-Empathizer positive:

Dr. Phil’s approach to helping others is making them feel uncomfortable about their actions in the hopes of driving change, at his pace.

Dr. O’Grady’s approach to helping others is accepting them as they are and making them feel comfortable about who they are, while helping them overcome their fears and issues at their pace.

Dr. P often uses negative reinforcement to point out one’s flaws

Dr. O often uses positive reinforcement so people are comfortable with their fears, giving them the ability to point out their own flaws, in time.

Dr. P (I+) is driven by results, success, being the center of attention, bragging and taking credit for his actions, winning, always being right, forcing people to change their ways in the hopes of driving change quickly. From this, he makes a bunch of money.

Dr. O (E+) is driven by helping others in need, behind the scenes, giving credit where credit is due, and serving his community to the best of his abilities. From this, he makes a reasonable amount of money.


Takes just a minute to fill out the NICI and receive a free report of your communicator type… http://www.drogrady.com/type.php

Dr. Dennis O’Grady is a family business communications psychologist from Dayton, Ohio.

Corrective Feedback via E-mail


Do you know why your “dead words” on a computer screen are still coming through bold and alive? Below is an example of giving clear positive feedback through email.  After 3 coaching sessions with me, Joseph had this to say…

I feel a lot more confident now that I’ve been using the TALK2ME system. In the past, I didn’t get the best results from my team’s projects. People used to perceive me as a tyrant, but now, I’m perceived as caring and open to solution ideas. I’m sending the message, “I’m truly concerned about how you are doing.”

My team used to feel threatened with the requirements of their jobs and how they thought I would dictate or react to the way they approached their assignments. I’m noticing a huge positive impact that’s come about by my understanding of how Empathizer and Instigator personality traits differ. As a work environment, it’s a whole lot more positive…and it hasn’t taken much time to get results.

Joseph—US Operations & Logistics

This is a good example of including everyone in the act of good communication.

About Dayton Clinical Psychologist Dennis O’Grady

Dennis E. O’Grady, PsyD, uses the TALK2ME system to better your communication results everywhere you go.  Call Dennis for training or relationship coaching at (937) 428-0724.

Fixing Hell

Leadership communication principles boomed like a mortar round in the book Fixing Hell by Col. (Ret.) Larry C. James, Ph.D.  This is a disturbing, yet memorable, work. When Abu Ghraib was a wasteland, nothing but sand and rocks and run-down buildings, with garbage and raw sewage everywhere you looked, the Army called upon Dr. James to get a fix on fixing things fast.

Were you there? In 2004, the first CNN pictures blasted and bloodied our national psyche as images were brought home to us from Abu Ghraib, showing naked dog piles, an Iraqi prisoner standing with a hangman’s noose around his neck, and K-9 dogs terrorizing detainees. A few apples gone bad in a putrid barrel of human misery?


This is the e-mail I sent to Dr. James, who was scheduled to give a workshop I was helping to spearhead, for clinical psychologists in Dayton, Ohio…

Hello Larry:

It was good to have dinner with you a while back.  The Dayton Psychological Association Board and membership are looking forward to your workshop.

I was deeply moved while reading your book, Fixing Hell. I truly appreciate the courage you needed to share your leadership principles and life lessons. The discussions about your mother and your return home made me weep. The media descriptions which we see and read are so sterile in comparison….

As a psychologist, you take us all to the basement to sort through our skeletons and attempt to humbly fix what’s broken.

See you at the workshop Friday!

Respectfully yours,
Dennis O’Grady


Dr. James spent his vital life energy fixing Hell, and then he walked away with the new form of PTSD to boot. He did it by being an emotionally attached leader who was present and accounted for at all times of day and night.

Traditionally, Instigator leaders in the TALK2ME© system have been the status quo.  The times have changed. In my book, Talk to Me: Communication Moves to Get Along With Anyone, Dr. James represents the new breed of Empathizer leader. These leaders combine head and heart and use their Emotional I.Q. to fix the impossible.

Col. James, a change-seeking leader who is executing emotional wisdom without being soft, describes the core values of an Empathizer leader to his trainees:

You have to be there. As a leader you need to always remember to be there. Never allow yourself to be a vacant, distant, and emotionally detached leader. Vacant leaders simply aren’t there. You gotta go to the basement. One of the problems in most organizations is that rarely will you find its senior leaders getting down and dirty to the lowest level and looking in every closet and every basement of every building. Why? Number one, it will tell you where the skeletons are, and number two, it will tell you where all the broken crap is hidden. Number three is most important: it will tell your subordinate troops that you have a vested interest in their organization and let them know that they can’t hide anything from you. Remember, your troops will judge you by your deeds, not your words. A leader who stays in the rear will take it in the rear.


How do you lead when you’re exhausted, dehydrated, frightened, and smack dab in the middle of the raging fires of Hell and there’s no escape hatch and your life may disappear the next instant?

Be available at all times. Be there with your soldiers. Eat at their tables in the chow hall, sleep where they sleep, everything.

When leaders are not seen by their subordinates, they will begin to drift away from following the rules.

Be everywhere. Along the way there, talk with and have fun with the lowest-ranking people (privates, secretaries, janitors) you meet. That’s where you will really build morale.

We all love being around a leader who has a big set of balls. Make the right, hard, moral calls. Be bold and lead.

Be passionate in everything you do. Your soldiers who work for you will see it in your eyes, and more importantly, they will feel it in you. Your passion will spread through the rest of your unit like wildfire.

Cut up with folks, tell stories, have a good time, laugh. Nobody likes being around a mean, nasty boss.

Do whatever you do with energy, and people will want to be around you. It will be infectious.

Everyone who works for you must, at all times, know the rules of engagement. Remember, soldiers will do what their leaders allow them to. If you allow it, a soldier will do it.


That’s what Dr. Larry James learned the hard way, at a dark, hot place once used as Saddam Hussein’s torture chambers in Iraq, on his way home to his loved ones.

Dr. James in now Dean of the School of Professional Psychology at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.

I Make Really Bad Choices When I Feel Really Bad

Do you make really bad choices when you feel really bad? Are you able to think clearly when you’re emotionally upset? Relationship highs and lows are part of the talk scene in real life love adventures. In fact, love struck people can become emotionally obsessed with the life choices of their beloved. Tension or emotional flooding results and rationality loses out to raw emotion.


Are you emotionally capable or incapable? Being in love isn’t enough. Can you stand the anxiousness of being in the heat of Love’s Kitchen, or are you looking for drama and adventure? How to tell if cool logic is losing to hot emotion:

1. I make drastic and destructive choices.

2. I make bad choices when I’m depressed, boxed in, tired of dealing with reality issues, stuck in my house too much.

3. I make really bad choices when I’m feeling a mixture of jealousy and vulnerability.

4. When I make these bad choices, I feel good…and relieved.

5. Short term good feelings result in drawn-out, disastrous, damaging consequences.

6. Obsession. “I become obsessed with getting her or his attention and helping out, at any cost.”

7. Feeling Failure. “I make bad choices and make the emotional mess even worse.”

Change is your middle name. You can change the spots on a leopard if you strive to.


You can make really good choices, even when you’re feeling really bad! (Now, it does take some work and practice to do this.) What can you do differently? Talk To Me© teaches you how to first have a good relationship with your Self, and second, how to have a good relationship with Others. Are you setting yourself up for relationship success or relationship failure?


Anyone who is dragging around old baggage and making bad decisions, to avoid accepting new emotional realities, is not a relationship partner who is emotionally available. Make certain that person is not you! Although it’s harder to deal with yourself emotionally, it’s so much more rewarding to think clearly when you’re emotionally distraught. Be the leader of your own life, and light the way with rationality during dark emotional times.


Dr. O’Grady provides relationship communication education and coaching using the positive and effective Talk To Me© couples communication system. He has 30+ years experience in helping couples change ineffectual communication patterns.

Snarky Communicators

Do you live with someone or work around a person who is short-tempered or irritable? Are you aware that a moody person drains the energy of positive people who are powerful communicators? The purpose of snide remarks – known as snarky comments – is to hurt you and catch you off guard by sarcastically twisting the truth. Your self-confidence is poisoned and your hopeful mind is obliterated with negative thinking.


A snark is a shark dressed in a dolphin’s swimming suit. How one Empathizer described a Negatalker shark at work who’s snarky…

I read your article, “Negatalkers: People At Work Who Drain You.” What is the best way to deal with employees like this? I have one who spends her whole day doing this. She’s been with the company for decades and thinks she knows the best way to do everything. I have been her co-worker and now supervisor. It is truly hell to work with her. She doesn’t do her job well, so I have to reassign her tasks. Firing her is probably out of the question. Getting away from her negative behaviors would help greatly. Any advice?

Snarks specialize in putting you between a rock and a hard place. Problem is: You’re snarked if you do try to interact with them and you’re snarked if you don’t. Awareness is the first step to changing this energy-draining dance.


Here’s the “light came on” psychology behind Negatalkers, who pride themselves in living in the shadows by being snarky…

1. SPITEFUL. Snarks believe that if you hurt or sting from their finger jabbed in your eye, you deserve it. Should you grow a thicker skin to cope?

2. HATEFUL. Snarks believe you’re the gum on somebody’s shoe, a bad person who should lower your head when they walk by. Do hurtful words bounce off or stick to you?

3. SNIPES. Snarks gripe, snipe, snip, zap, and sap the positive energy of sensitive souls. Does your mind become confused when diffused with gutless negativity?

4. SNIDE. Snarks believe they have the perfect right to judge you and hand you a manure sandwich. What guilt trip are you packing for?

5. MEAN-SPIRITED. Snarks prey on people who are passionately caring. Who’s the energy vampire in your life that you’re baring your neck to?

6. FINGER-POINTING. Snarks always take the cheap parting shot because they believe you’re the one who has the problem.  Do you remember when a finger is pointed at you, four fingers are pointing back at the blamer?

7.  BRAINWASHING. Snarks impress feelings into others to ruin dreams and scheme to keep dark clouds over the sun of good ideas. Do Negatalkers drain the cup of your optimism with bad vibe feelings and impressions that make you think upside-down is really right-side up?

8. ENTITLEMENT. Snarks believe “You owe me!” for the troubles they’ve created.  Are you a guilt magnet because you’re so tuned into the feelings of others?

9. DELIGHT IN DESTROYING. Snarks believe you should pretend that everything is fine after they puncture the tire of your self-esteem with a knife. Do you feel the spirit of change moving you to park clear of Negatalkers?

10. IT’S JUST A GAME OF WORDS…NOT AN EXPERIENCE. It’s just a game for Snarks to say the words that penetrate you with loss. Do you willingly bring loss into your life by opening the door to pessimists?

11.  LIMITING OPTIONS. Snarks believe you should have a caring relationship with someone who despises you. Are you getting tired of feeling you have to pay dues to a relationship tyrant?

12. IRRITATING AND ANNOYING. Snarks want you to live a limited life that includes catering to them. Are you allowing your gas tank to being siphoned off by annoying people?

13. NOT SORRY FOR SAYING THE HURTFUL COMMENT. Snarks are only sorry for getting caught saying a nasty comment that is truer about them than you. Don’t you have your own set of issues and goals to work through?

14. SPINNING. Snarks are the spin doctors of all times – they brainwash you in conniving and convincing ways. Isn’t it time to look for greener pastures?

15. MISERY LOVES COMPANY. What hurts you makes a Snark happy. Can you accept that some people are hateful, spiteful, and vengeful, and only feel good when you feel bad?

16. RIDING THE PITY PONY. Snarks spread poison like a Scorpion behind the scenes. Are you riding the pity pony when you should be taking the bus?

17. DRIVING THE WEDGE. Snarks drive a wedge between good and loving people like YOU and what is important to you. Are you promoting chaos when you can’t get to sleep because you’re thinking about Snarks?

Your good mood and positive communication tools are the antidotes to stop the spreading poison that all generations of Negatalkers inflict. Snarks, it seems, use the oldest tricks in the book, with the new twist of a moniker that befits a diabolical communicator.


Dr. Dennis O’Grady is a Communication Expert and Developer of the TALK2ME Communication Roadmap. You, too, can profit from better communication!  Talk with Dennis at 937-428-0724.