Don’t Beat Around The Bush


A major criticism that Empathizer-type communicators have of Instigators is that I-types don’t beat around the bush long enough, but instead, come straight to the point. E-types like to groom the bush, hug it and trim it, provide nourishing water and fertilizer, and generally hang around to see if all the nurturing makes a difference. Different strokes for different folks, y’all.

Knowing that E-types feel miffed when they are stiffed of relationship regard, it would follow that, when miffed and stiffed, E-types will erect a resentment wall. If you’ve ever tried scaling a resentment wall, you know how difficult it is, whether you intend to accomplish a task just beyond the wall right now or whether you want to know how to make it successfully past the wall, just in case you need this information in the future.

Now, once you have mastered the technique of identifying the talk type of yourself and that of your talk partner, you’ll be able to put the strengths of both types into play. The traits and habits of either type are easily applied to most any situation, depending on what you are trying to accomplish. When you use the Million Dollar Talk Tools from your Communicator Toolbox, you’ll find that the efforts net good results for all.

The Rule of Personal Mood Motivation: When you step on the toes of your fellow talk dancer, a significant reduction of work activity or output will predictably result. That’s why it’s so important to learn the talk dance steps of TALK2ME.

Dr. Dennis O’Grady is a family business communication consultant from Dayton, Ohio. He is a marriage counselor and effective communications coach. Contact Dennis at (937) 428-0724 to select modules from the library of positive and effective communication to achieve your desired results.

The Goal Of Talk2Me Training

The goal of TALK2ME© communication training is to enhance performance and profits by improving trustworthy communication. This is accomplished by pushing leadership down the ranks by accessing strengths and steering around weaknesses or potholes on the two-way communication highway.


TALK2ME© tools create positive results in the individual, team, and organization as illustrated in your personal copy of Discover Your Inner Strength. The following results occur as innovative TALK2ME© strategies are implemented. When you learn, you earn:

1. Bridges of trust are built

2. Initiative is taken by each individual

3. A collaborative, two-way communicator highway is built among team members

4. Managing mood increases productivity by 40%

5. Sense of urgency for improvement and tolerance for change is felt among team members


Sadly, some communication training programs are presented in a large group, lecture format, so the information may go into the head, but it doesn’t move into the heart and hands of the student to be successfully implemented everyday. That’s too bad, because such programs can be a waste of your time and money. In contrast, because training is in an interactive format, TALK2ME© tools “stick” with trainees, enabling them to spontaneously apply the tools in their personal relationships, with the same great results they experience in the workplace.

It all comes down to communication, and you can maintain control of and influence all your conversations just by using a few simple tools from the TALK2ME© communication toolbox.


Dennis O’Grady, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist who is a communication expert. He was 2008 president of the Dayton Area Psychological Association. Dr. O’Grady may be contacted at 7501 Paragon Road, Suite 200, Dayton, OH 45459. Office Phone: 937-428-0724. E-mail:

Communicate Effectively


Experienced communicators don’t fail to fail, but they do successfully learn from their mistakes. Our first TALK2ME© communication training session held thousands of years of real life communication driving school experiences – tips and tools guaranteed to break down Jersey walls or barriers which restrict communication during tumultuous travel times.


What one rule of good communication do you follow when nothing else seems to be working, and the chips are down? This is your group wisdom! By communicating effectively you LEARN and EARN. By doing what?

  • Understanding objections
  • Having patience; look at the big picture
  • Clearing the decks by using a “laser focus” to hone in on one thing
  • Being honest with oneself; admit and correct mistakes
  • Keeping an open mind; don’t let T.V. do your thinking for you
  • By just listening
  • When in a traffic jam, taking a helicopter view of the situation
  • Utilizing a listening discussion vs. a debating discussion
  • Changing the channel of “I’m usually right!” selective listening
  • Presenting an “I can solve problems” positive attitude
  • Changing your viewpoint; agreeing to disagree; not either/or but both/and
  • Being more tolerant; seeking to understand
  • Doing your prep work and using your work ethic
  • Calming yourself down by leaving emotions out


Do you talk at people or talk with people? Are you shrinking from facing down your fears of failure? Expert communicators flexibly use the combined strengths of successful Empathizer and Instigator communicators. By doing so, you TALK2PEOPLE!


Call Talk2Me developer and trainer, Dr. Dennis O’Grady, to discuss your leadership communication workshop needs today at (937) 428-0724.

Get Busy Teaming


How do you get busy teaming? What if your team is made up of top performers who hate to fail and love to excel? Here’s what one team of effective communicators focuses on when it comes to practicing and profiting from good communication skills…

The key is motivation, motivating everyone to be the very best they can be.

Understand that the success of the person relates to the success of the company…and vice versa.

The success of the company is directly related to the effort of the individual.

Our leadership wants everyone to be involved and committed to the team approach.

We’re getting there, but there still is a lot of work to be done…we need to openly share ideas as a group.

Company objectives are clear…we don’t want people who have the best ideas to shy away, because implementation of new ideas leads to greater success.

What’s the best way to achieve the objectives? Solve problems as a team

It’s not your problem — it’s our problem. We’re problem solving from a team perspective rather than from an individual perspective.

Stronger personalities won’t point the finger — all personalities around the communicator table will give positive input.

We will not be afraid of failure. We are correcting issues…not correcting people (that’s communication).

It’s not that I don’t like you….I don’t like problems that go uncorrected.

Don’t make people the issue.…Make solving the problem the issue.

Different people drive certain things, but everyone needs to be a driver.

Don’t wait for someone else to get something done — if you see something that’s not being done, take it upon yourself to see that it happens.

We are a whole group of drivers, reaping huge benefits as a team.

If we focus on these areas of change, we will make huge gains.

We work for each other.

Everyone will be working equally hard, together, to produce significant success.

We don’t believe in empire building and clicks….We are one group trying to achieve the same thing.

I didn’t get it done because they didn’t make it happen…” is not being accountable.

We’ve made big strides, but we can continuously get better.

Our company succeeds when we give you a communication comfort level to express your new ideas without fear.

Dr. Dennis O’Grady is a relationship psychologist and developer of the management communication training system called TALK2ME. Dennis can be reached at 937-428-0724.

Get busy teaming!

Are You Being Emotionally Blackmailed?

Are you being emotionally blackmailed? Here’s a quick test — spell out the Manipulative Genius of your talk antagonist right now…








Bitchy (bastardly)


Back stabbing





Cunning as a fox

It’s as easy as doing your A-B-C’s. One “yes” strike and your Fatal Attraction movie friend should strike out of your life game, altogether. Dead on?

Thanks, Dr. Susan Forward, who coined the term Emotional Blackmail, in the book by the same name. Thanks as well to Dr. Robert Glover, author of No More Mr. Nice Guy. And thanks to Dr. Robin Stern who authored The Gaslight Effect. Read them and leap ahead in your life.

Dr. Dennis O’Grady is a Dayton family business consultant and relationship counselor. Dennis is the developer of the TALK2ME system and can be reached at 937-428-0724.